Monday, February 11, 2013

Snow. And Life. That's all.

Good morning, one and all! What a lovely cloudy, snowy day! We have a 2-hour delay this morning and are surrounded by schools not open. To the north, Gardner is closed. To the south the Worcester schools are closed. To the east, Boston schools are closed. A bunch of freaking sissies, I tell ya!
When I was growing up, we didn’t have snow blowers about which to complain that we’d been out all day with blowing snow. We did have a wood shed a goodly distance from the house and had to shovel a path out there (and THEN had to bring in wood but that’s another story). We had to shovel the driveway to the garage. Even though it was short, if the plows had gone by the berm had to be gotten out of the way. If the plows hadn’t gone by, the berm would have to be gotten out of the way once they did. There was a path to shovel out to the gate and then out to the road and again, there was a berm to go through. When I was in maybe first grade, it snowed. It snowed about two feet. The roads had been plowed but there was still lots of snow on them. There was still school. My dad walked with me and we walked the long way (on the road) because there would have been even more snow. I remember that his boss met us about half-way and gave us a ride the rest of the way. He had a Jeep—Joanna would have liked it other than the fact it was from the late 60’s or early 70’s. Now, an inch of snow and BAM! No school. Wimps.
Amena thinks it would be cool if it snowed so much that everyone had to stay at school. I think it would be really cool. Literally. Because I think if it was that bad, there would likely be no power and that would mean no heat and no food. Quite frankly, I think the idea is cool to Amena but the reality would not be anything like she imagines.
Yesterday the forecast said that it was supposed to snow this morning and be sunny this afternoon. This morning the forecast says it’s supposed to rain all day until five or six this evening. It’s always interesting to see what actually does happen.
I have no Micro-Economics today. Dr. G is out sick today and will not be on campus Wednesday. I really was kind of hoping that it would be Strategic Management he wouldn’t be there for because that’s the class with the group that isn’t getting anything done. My Economics group is ready to go. We were just going to go over our presentation today after class (those of us who could stay) and then present Wednesday. Such is life. I am going to call our Management group leader this morning and find out for sure what the heck is going on.
Currently, there are two boys chomping at the bit to go outside. There are still 10 minutes until the bus will be here at least. Kids. Joseph can’t wear any mittens because they’re too big or too small. I’m not sure what his criteria is for a perfect fit but apparently we don’t have it. Oh. My. Gosh!!!
Anyway, the day today looks like a snowy day of doing accounting and probably some reading and hopefully working on a power point for Management. I will print out my marketing plan for soap and start looking at that because I need to do a spread sheet for it and then a presentation. That will be fun so I want to get everything else out of the way. Besides, I need to practice on something and our presentation for class is a good thing to practice on. I’m glad I did the SPACE Matrix on the spread sheet and then the presentation because now I have a better idea what direction to go in for my own.
For now, I believe that I will be off. Have a wonderful day!

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