Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It took so long to even get this far that pictures will have to wait for another day...

Good morning! The sun is shining; it is a balmy 31° here in Hubbardston, Massachusetts. Or, it was, 38 minutes ago.
Well, I don’t think I can really catch you up on what has been happening around here since Friday. It’s been crazy. Which isn’t unusual.
Saturday were our last soccer games of the season. Good games. Really good games. Seth played very well and Cedric was HOT!!! Smokin’ hot! Seth’s team won, as usual, but only 6 to 0. There were enough players for the coach to completely replace everyone (other than the goalie) every time he subbed. Really a good game (as usual). Cedric’s team won! Oh yeah! First stinking win of the season! They finally got it together and Cedric really hustled. He outshone himself. AND  . . . drumroll please . . . he made a goal! I missed it but Joseph and Paul got to see it (I was over at Seth’s game). Awesome! I did get some pictures and I’ll post them if I am able to upload them. If not, I’ll put them on Facebook and you can take a look that way.
Seth had a pizza party at 11:00 at the Pizza Palace in Hubbardston and Cedric had one at noon. I let Seth go over to Joey’s house after.
Cedric had a birthday party to go to at 3:00 in Templeton (which is just next door to Hubbardston—we are a quarter mile or less away from the town line) so I took him to that and then dropped a bag of goodies off for a girl from church. The party was for his friend Chris. They are in the same class. I like his mom; she reminds me of Aunt Cindy.
Sunday was Sunday. There was a baptism after church and because I happened to know that the guy likes Star Wars, I made Star Wars sugar cookies and Star Wars frozen juice/fruit/yogurt cubes for juices. The frozen stuff was good but should have been added to previously chilled juice or should have had more water and less other stuff to better retain shapes. Anyway, it was pretty cool. There was a lot of other food as well but I thought the Star Wars stuff might be a nice touch.
After church I don’t remember if we really ate any supper or if we just had snacks. We’d all eaten at church and weren’t really hungry after. I went to see Ruth with Paul.
Monday was Monday. I got everything accomplished on my list of things to do but still felt like the day was wasted because the one thing that I really, really wanted to do (sew) I didn’t get to. If I had a permanent sewing room, or even just a permanent place to set up machines, I would have been able to get some sewing done, but the job of getting everything out just to put it away again was too much and I didn’t do it.
Monday night I went to bed at 8:30 hoping to get an hour and a half of sleep before taking off to the hospital for my first doula shift at 11:00. I did get some sleep but I’m not sure how much. I got ready to go and went and arrived without incident. I didn’t realize that the south entrance is locked at night but my badge opened it so that is kind of cool. I understand the north entrance is locked as well and that the emergency entrance isn’t. Kinda makes sense.
At midnight the nurse in charge, I don’t know what the proper terminology is here, told me that it looked to be a quiet night and that I could go home if I wanted to. I had a book and knitting to keep me occupied so I decided that I would stay until 2:00; if nothing had happened at that point, I would go home. Well, something happened. I guess I can’t really tell you about it so I’ll have to write about it in another journal and I’ll post it in five years or so without names. Anyway, it ended up being a good night and I didn’t have any trouble staying awake although I was feeling tired around 5:00.
There were two doulas on the next shift, one of them was Patty; she and I are both in the ‘newbie’ group. It’s amazing to me how each of us has something unique to offer women. Something of value that no one else can duplicate.
It snowed during the night and I got home just in time to tell the boys good bye on their way out to the bus. It has been cold since it snowed so there is still some out there. It didn’t really stick on the roads so in some ways, it was a perfect storm—no snow on the roads, not much to deal with on sidewalks and driveways, white everywhere else. Except that the trees are mostly devoid of white now.
I had breakfast and went to bed. I set my alarm for 11:00 because Julia and I planned to go visiting teaching in the early afternoon. Although I was in bed shortly after 8:00 and I knew that my alarm would wake me up, I woke up at 9:15 with freezing cold feet. I guess I could have put on another quilt or blanket but my feet were so cold it was going to be a long time warming them up so I just got up and took a shower. I think I should have done that when I got home or at least before I went to bed and then put that quilt on. I might have slept longer.
So, I was up, I didn’t have to be anywhere yet, so I got out the sewing machine and started sewing. I didn’t get a whole lot done because I was also planning on going to Julia’s early because she had a sewing question for me. I went, we talked about sewing, we had some hot chocolate, and we went to visit Amy Troop first. Then we went to visit Janelle Lawrence. Good visits.
We had missionaries for supper. We had a roast with potatoes, onions and carrots, and soup warmed up. I have to say that by the time we were at that point, I was feeling a bit grumpy because I was very tired and was really feeling it. Once the boys were in bed, I went to bed and was out long before Paul went.
I didn’t wake up until my alarm went off at 5:55 and then I closed my eyes and thought about how much I didn’t want to get up. I next looked at my clock at 6:20, jumped out of bed, quickly threw on my morning clothes, and went to check on Amena. She’d just gotten up and I knew she wasn’t going to get ready to catch the bus in time. She didn’t.
I knew the van wouldn’t start because it was cold and it hadn’t been plugged in. The bug may or may not start due to the cold but I do know that it’s about to do it’s little magic trick of not wanting to go so I wasn’t about to even try. Paul has the Jetta key and I wasn’t about to ask for it because I know that Amena needs to get up earlier and I know that she needs to get to bed earlier and telling me about it when I ask for the key isn’t going to do anyone any good so I just wasn’t going to ask for the key. I explained these things to Amena when she said, “So, what am I going to do?” After explaining, I said, “Joanna and Zak are here.” She asked Joanna who’s response was that I could drive her Jeep. Groovy. I like driving the Jeep but I haven’t much and we needed to hurry even though I knew there was no way we were going to catch up with the bus at that time.
The passenger door won’t latch but I didn’t realize that’s why Joanna keeps it locked. Amena went out it, and it wouldn’t close. Great. I ended up sticking one end of the ice scraper in the handle and the other behind on the roll bar. That kept the door closed enough to get home. Hopefully Joanna knows the trick of getting it shut so she can lock it again.
I got back in time to make Joseph and Cedric meat sandwiches for lunch. Seth said he’d made a cheese sandwich but unless he made the bread, he didn’t really because I know how much bread there was and there was none missing. They all said they had lunches, and I’m sure they had food, I’m kind of curious to find out exactly what they took. I know for certain that Amena didn’t take the lunch yesterday that I’d made for her and she didn’t take it today either. It appears that the boys raided what was in it and left the rest in the bag on the little table by the brown chair. Hmmm.
And, wow, I was going to give you my take on the whole flu and Gardasil vaccine thing but I think I’ve done enough typing for the moment and there are a lot of things on my to-do list today (including sewing) so I think you’ll get that another day.

Have a spectacular day!

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