Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Another Day

Good morning! I really hate when I forget to do something that I really wanted to do and then it turns out to be a good thing that I didn’t do it. Yesterday I was going to go visit a couple of friends, Christine and Jocelyn, at Christine’s house and I completely forgot about it. It would have been a really fun way to spend a few hours. What did I do? Stayed home, studied phlebotomy, did laundry, studied phlebotomy, made the boys beds with clean (flannel) sheets and enough blankets to stay warm, studied phlebotomy, cut out two and a half patterns. Did I mention studied phlebotomy? The reason it turns out to be a good thing that I didn’t have so much fun but did study phlebotomy is that Quabbin has a two-hour early release today. It isn’t impossible for me to study when the boys and Amena are home, but it can be difficult. So, I’m glad I got lots done yesterday and today I might have to resort to a movie in order to get any done after they get home.
Well, that was short, eh? But it covers my day pretty well. At least until boys and Amena got home from school. I’d been wanting to make candy canes and yesterday we finally did. Sort of. I thought we could do it in two pots—one for the white, one for the red. Well, good idea in theory but in practice, not so much. The problem was, as you might expect, that the two pans weren’t ready to pour at the same time. I’d like to give it another go but we need more corn syrup before we do.
Today Amena got up, actually ate breakfast, and was downstairs at the table working on something for art when I got up. She got outside as the bus was approaching with no rush rush hurry hurry. The boys, on the other hand, are moving in slow motion this morning. It is understandable since it is -1° that feels like -1° outside. It is 55° in the house and it kind of feels like it. Long sleeves do feel good.
Other than studying for phlebotomy, I don’t have any set in stone plans for this day. I’ll most likely fold the two baskets of laundry I have ready to go. I’ll wash a load of towels and maybe something else if I can scare it up. Drying clothes helps warm the house up but other than towels, laundry is pretty caught up at the moment. That really is nice—laundry is not one of my favorite occupations. The only reason I do it is because I don’t like dirty clothes.

And that is about it for now. Have a terrifical day!

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