Monday, December 30, 2013

Weekend in Review

Good morning! Only one day left of 2013. What will 2014 hold? Only time will tell.
Our weekend was tolerably decent.
Friday night, as you recall, the boys and I went to see a Worcester Sharks game. First time any of us had seen a hockey game in real life; the only other time I’d seen hockey is during the Olympics and in movies. It is very loud and for the first two periods, it didn’t really seem like anyone was paying much attention to the game. I could be wrong about that; just my general impression. During the last period, everyone was because it’s when everything happened. The final score was 5 to 2 with the Sharks winning. Very fast paced game with that puck and the players zipping around like nobody’s business. I think I like it but I think I like soccer better. If one of my boys played, I might like it more. We didn’t get home until sometime around 11:00.
Saturday was Saturday. I volunteered for the 3 to 11 shift at the hospital and I did go in. There wasn’t much for me to do so I went home. My goal for this coming year is to go in and stay in for all of my shifts. And wrack up more because I haven’t had a birth yet.
She got them all out in the same breath.

Jessica Adams arrived just about the time I was leaving. She is between semesters and needed a place to stay after spending Christmas with her family in Rhode Island. We’ve got the room and life is normally somewhat crazy around here so I told her she could stay here if she wanted. The brave soul accepted and is now upstairs.
He's looking excited, eh? Reminds me of that older brother of his . . .

Yesterday being Sunday was very Sunday-like. I needed to get to church early for a meeting so I took Jessica and the Jetta. When we got to the stop light by the church, it wasn’t working. When we got to the church, there was no electricity. National Grid’s website said that it would be back by 10:30 which would have been too late for church to start at 10:00 so we waited for the next update which said 9:15. Then as a phone call was being made to confirm that, the power came on.
My goal wasn't to catch good pictures. Did I succeed?

After church we had Amena’s birthday party. She wanted pizza and hot chicken so that’s what we had. I can’t believe that for so many years I only made pizza once in a while because I thought it was hard. How on earth did that come to be? I think part of it is that I would roll the crust out before putting it on the baking stone and that is something of a pain but otherwise, it’s not difficult and is so much better than those you buy at the store. The pizza yesterday slid right off the stone (partially) when I took it out of the oven and put it on the counter in spite of the fact that I didn’t want it to.
Amena's hand almost looks like it belongs to Joseph. Almost.

The Young Men and Young Women taught Primary during third hour as planned. Before that, though, in Sacrament Meeting, the bishop announced that the Relief Society Visiting Teaching Conference would be during second and third hours. No way, I thought. The email I’d gotten about it said only 3rd hour. I got my phone from Amena and checked my old emails to be sure and sure enough, it said only 3rd hour. Still, what if the email was wrong? The Young Women were prepared to teach 3rd hour, not 2nd and 3rd. When he later corrected that announcement, I was very relieved.
This one isn't bad. Aren't they cute? (That's Zak, by the way.)

So, the Young Men and Young Women taught Primary during third hour and I think it worked very well. All the girls I spoke to had fun and one Amena talked to wants to do it every Sunday. I haven’t spoken to Kim yet to see what her take is on it, but from where I sit, it seems to have been very successful. I think we should do it again. March, June, August, and November all have five Sundays in 2014.
Does she look 14 now?

Yesterday afternoon and evening it rained. Sometime before midnight it also snowed, but just a little bit; just enough to soak up some of the rain and then freeze into a solid layer of ice everywhere. Right now it has warmed up enough that there is a steady drip from the eaves. It’s supposed to be sunny and relatively warm today before it turns cold again and we get more snow. Personally, it being winter, I’m all for the snow. All the weirdoes out there who don’t like snow can move to more southern climes and stop annoying those of us who like it. Or not. If you stay where there is snow, I don’t feel bad in the least complaining about the heat and humidity once summer comes and you can bet whatever the heck you want to that I’d move to a less humid climate in a heartbeat if circumstances would allow.
Right now I am going to be off. Have a great day!

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