Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Fun Times

Good morning! What a fun-packed day up for today: laundry, phlebotomy study, and soap. The soap will be somewhat tedious because it’s going to be labeling bars; thirty-nine of them. I should cut soap as well since I haven’t done that. And I should order some coconut oil and whatever other oils I needed to in order to make the rest of the soap because making the soap is the best part, selling it is the second best even though it sometimes means gluing labels on. Laundry is just laundry; never terribly exciting. There are a few loads to fold and a couple, maybe three, to wash and dry; a load of towels in the washing machine. And phlebotomy study; always a blast, especially when someone is home to hear me reading the cards over and over and over and over. And over. And over. Oh yeah.
Cedric building with the cool magnetic things that Bislita sent.

Yesterday was a fun-packed day. Amena got off with no problems which one might expect when she was up at 5:00. The boys got up and on their way with no problems although Seth was running in his somewhat typical slow motion. I’m not sure how to get that boy to get a move on; if you know of any tricks, let me know.
Bread rising last week. It's almost gone so I can make more today remembering to not overdo it with the bloody flour.

I was going to go to kindergarten in the morning to make gingerbread men but Paul decided to get hay for the goats. Since he was going to take the Jetta to work and had to take the truck to get hay and I didn’t know when he’d be back, I wasn’t sure if I should take the Jetta or not. Too late, I realized I could have taken the Jetta and left the keys in it and he could have taken the truck to school and left the keys in it and taken the Jetta the rest of the way to work. It would have worked but I didn’t think of it soon enough.
The artisan bread went really well with the . . .

Other than that, my plans for yesterday looked much like today except that I was printing labels. That meant making a new one for Papa’s Own in the new format and I also made a two-sided, 1/3 of a paper size thing that lists all the different soaps that I make, what I have right now, what will be ready in a couple of weeks, and what could be ready in six to eight weeks. That was kind of fun. Not enough fun to think that I should become a graphic designer, but fun.
. . .salmon and wild rice soup which is even thicker now and even yummier. Although I am the only one who thinks so.

I did go to Staples yesterday to get the paper to print labels on and I need to go to Staples today to get glue sticks because all the glue sticks I can find around here are in very bad shape; most of them are either really sticky but won’t stick to anything or too dried out to stick to anything. I like Staples and Laura says I should look in my email for some coupons because there should be some there.
Other than fun stuff like I’ve mentioned, I would like to also get some sewing done and I probably ought to make some cookies today so that Amena can get her homework done after school. We are going caroling tonight and everyone needs to bring cookies to take to those we sing at. I think I’m also picking up our last goat. So, basically, it really should be a fun day.
My childbirth education class was cancelled last night due to the weather. The teacher said she would drive in but didn’t want people to feel like they had to. I would have driven in but wasn’t going to if there wasn’t going to be class. Now we have two to make up. I don’t know when that’s going to happen but it ought to at some point.
It sounds like Obama didn’t make a terribly good impression with his antics at Nelson Mandela’s funeral. Cedric got a ride to scouts last night and the ‘selfie’ picture taking was one of the topics of conversation and from what Cedric reports, is not looked upon as appropriate behavior at a funeral by most of the boys (and I’m guessing their parents).
I just printed some invitations to a birthday party for Cedric and another page of labels for Creamy Honey Oat Bars. Cedric hasn’t really ever had a birthday party for his friends before and this time he is inviting four boys over to spend the night and go to see The Hobbit at the theater. We are planning on going Saturday at 12:30 because it’s only $5 per person rather than whatever the price is for showings later in the evening. This is what he wanted for his birthday so this is what he will get.

I don’t think I have much else to report for now so have a splendiferous day!

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