Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What a Day

Good morning! Boy, you don’t know what you’re missing out on. I just wrote 1,058 words about some awesome, awe inspiring, faith building stories that I was privileged to hear last night. I would love to share them with you but I don’t feel that it is my right to tell them. It might just be good enough to know that miracles still do happen and I hope you believe that.
Busy day yesterday even though I cancelled Joseph’s dentist appointment. I was super tired in the morning and just didn’t feeling like rushing to get him there. I hope that doesn’t make me a bad mom. I’ll have to call to reschedule today.
I got a box of stuff ready to send to Laura and took that with me when I went out and about. I was going to take the truck until I noticed that the sticker has been expired for several months and I didn’t want to chance being stopped for that. I also didn’t feel like taking it to be inspected because it might have been a wait and don’t know what else needs to be done, if anything, for it to pass. So, I took the van.
I stopped at the dollar store first and got crepe paper streamers, plates, cups, napkins and two plastic table cloths. Then I went to church and set up what I could. I hung streamers from the basketball hoop at one end of the cultural hall and safety pinned them to the tablecloths I put on two tables I put under the hoop. They meet under it and form a wide ‘v’ with the top near the wall. I put two round white tablecloths on each table and a square (I guess you could say diamond) in the middle. Between the two tables, I put an easel with the Young Women logo. For the refreshment table, I put one white round tablecloth in the middle and a square (diamond) on each end. I also put streamers on it dividing the white from the color although my purpose was just to dress it up a bit. Then I set up chairs. I wasn’t sure how many people will be there so I started with twenty-five. I took some pictures with my phone; hopefully I’ll get them on my computer and into the blog.
On the way home, I stopped at Walmart. I was supposed to pick Joanna up after class at either 2:20 or 2:40. It was nearing 2:00. I didn’t want to go home and then have to drive back to the school so instead I drove to the post office in Hubbardston (which makes lots of sense if I didn’t want to drive home) and then to the Mount. I’d been there a few minutes when Joanna called and said she was already home.
Zak had been taking her to school when on Elm Street in Gardner, a person stopped on the street in front of them. The person behind the car that stopped that was in front of Zak slammed on their brakes so Zak did the same but nothing happened. Fortunately, there was no one coming the other way so he was able to swerve and avoid hitting anyone. They were both a bit rattled so they turned around and drove home, very slowly, and went to Ray’s. He said he could look at it today so they came home, got the truck, and took Zak’s truck back to Ray’s. Joanna asked if I thought she could take Zak home in the truck. I told her she needed to call Paul to make sure, but I was pretty sure he would say okay. She called, explained what had happened, and Paul said, sure but be aware that the sticker is expired.
I fixed a turkey pot pie for supper and gave Amena instructions for baking it. I put Cedric in charge of the fire. Joanna was still gone and she texted me as I was leaving that she was just going to go straight to class. I got the table cleared and took off for the childbirth education class. I had to drop a check and order form off at the Foley’s for a Sharks game later this month. I guess they do a special ‘Scout day’ and there will be fireworks after the game. Paul didn’t want to go and Amena didn’t so it will just be me and the boys. We’ll just have fun without everyone else.
Paul reports that the boys weren’t too well behaved and Cedric actually agreed with that. The boys never behave very well when the missionaries come over. I wonder if perhaps we should just not feed them for the next two Tuesdays that I’ll be attending the childbirth classes. I might see what Paul thinks about that.
For the childbirth class there were two expectant couples, both due in February with their first babies, and five of us new doulas. Other than me there was Stacy, April, Ericka and Violet. After class, Violet went home because she was tired (she’d been up since 4:00 in the morning—I’d be tired too [actually, I was, but not because I’d been up since that early]) and the rest of us stayed talking to Meredeth. This is when I heard the wonderful stories I’d love to share with you. Maybe someday.
Today is another busy day. I’m kind of looking forward to tomorrow because I have nothing scheduled. Anyway, I need to get a load of clothes on to wash so that I have clean underwear when I take a shower which I need to do relatively soon because I have a chiropractor appointment at 9:45.

Have a splendiferous day!

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