Thursday, December 12, 2013

More of the Same

The good news is that caroling went well last night. The bad news is that when I went in to check on Amena when I got up, her alarm was going off and she wasn’t awake. The good news is that Joanna’s paper is pretty good. The bad news is that she isn’t finished and it’s due in less than two hours. The good news is that it snowed more last night even if it wasn’t very much. The bad news is that when I went to check on Amena after feeding Kitty and getting her lunch together, she was still in bed. And so it goes.
A fairly accurate representation of my day yesterday: labeling soap (you can see some done on the left, some not done on the right, a glue stick and labels in the middle), studying phlebotomy (the index cards with rubber bands around them), drinking hot chocolate (the mug), getting the goat (the leash on the other side of the table), and children (represented by Amena's report card, etc., behind the candle).

Yesterday was full of exactly what I thought it would be and I managed to get everything done that I wanted with the exception of anything even remotely having to do with sewing. I won’t complain because it won’t do any good and there isn’t anything I can do about it and I did accomplish quite a bit. I expect more of the same today.

This will be short. Very short, actually. In fact, have a terrific day and I’ll hopefully be back tomorrow.
Kitty was helping sew a few days ago. Shhhhh! Don't tell anyone she was in the house!

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