Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Mutual Respect

Good morning! It is cloudy here, foggy in spots, and icy. Supposedly we are at 30° that feels like 25° and humidity of 92%. I can go for the 30° but I’m not sure I agree that it feels colder although I’ve only been out to feed Kitty and the goats.
Yesterday I began the great push of reviewing for the phlebotomy exam. I rescheduled it from last month to this. The last day I can take it is January 8 so I can’t really push it out any further. I think I would if I could just because then I could go about this in a more sedate manner. I know most of the material so I’m not really too worried about it but I don’t like taking tests and I never feel like I’m as prepared as I could be and I haven’t done anything with phlebotomy since my internship which was in January (which isn’t entirely my fault). Anyway, I have about 900 flash cards that I made and they are in 54 bundles according to subject matter more or less. I’ve discovered that what works for me (for the most part) is to review one until I get all the answers correct, review another one until I get all the answers correct, review the first, review the second, review a third until I get all the answers correct, review the first, review the second, review the third, and you get the idea. I keep doing that until I’ve been at it for 30 minutes and then I stop and take a break. Except for the legal jargon, I did well yesterday.
Seth and Cedric both had scouts yesterday evening. Joanna and Zak took them which worked out really well because I was able to stay home and review rather than drive all over Hubbardston and review in bits and spurts. The timing worked out well because Seth’s meeting was on Hale Road at 6:00 and Cedric’s was on Old Westminster at 6:30. My plan, and what Joanna and Zak did, was to take Seth to his, drop him off, take Cedric to his, drop him off, go to Seth’s to pick him up, go to Cedric’s to pick him up. I had to sweeten the deal by letting them take the truck. Have I mentioned how happy Paul is to have it home?
Amena got up on her own again today and was out waiting for the bus. I really like how this has been working so far this week and I hope that mentioning that doesn’t jinx it. Cedric was downstairs finishing his homework when I came down.
Currently, I’ve got a slow Seth who got a bowl and cereal out but is now upstairs doing who-knows-what. Joseph is done eating and is dressed but is waiting for Cedric to get out of the bathroom so he can brush his teeth. Cedric is in the bathroom getting changed and has not eaten yet. Joseph had a dentist appointment this morning at 8:30 but I called and left a message saying we couldn’t make it. I’m still tired and I just wasn’t ready to rush rush rush to get us out the door in time.
Up for the rest of today is taking care of Sharks tickets, stopping at the dollar store to pick up some things for decorating for Young Women in Excellence which is tomorrow night but I really won’t have time to do anything about tomorrow, going to church and decorating, balancing my checkbook and writing a check or two. Add to that some phlebotomy review, three or four 30 minute sessions and you have my day. Also in there I need to make supper because we still have missionaries coming over even though I won’t be here. I will be at the hospital taking a childbirth education class for the doula program.
Right now is the fun part of the day when all of the last minute things are getting done so that all three boys will be ready for the bus when it comes. It’s amazing how different each day is—some days they’re all ready and are waiting for it, some days none of them are ready and it’s a rush when it arrives, some days it’s a mix of who is ready and who isn’t. Today Cedric is ready, although he did not eat breakfast, and Seth and Joseph are in various stages.
I didn’t get any reading in Spiritual Midwifery done yesterday because I was very tired when I went to bed and found it hard enough to struggle through the last chapter of Genesis. It’s amazing how the children of Israel went from being in the position they were at the time of Joseph’s death to the time when Moses was born. I realize a lot can happen in 400 years, but it is still interesting and I think it would be fun/enlightening/interesting to read about it.
Although I didn’t read any, I did some thinking about it. I find it rather interesting that the hospitals and doctors that the midwives on the Farm worked with were so open to midwifery and birthing at home. I think it is because the midwives approached them with respect and a desire to do what was right for the mother and baby. Because of this, the doctors were able to respect what the midwives were doing and a mutual trust developed. This is not the case in many areas. Over the years, a deep mistrust has developed because there are wackos on both sides who are unwilling to make any concessions. And who suffers? Women and babies and the families to whom they belong. I don’t see the overall situation changing anytime soon but I can do my part, however small it may be. As long as I don’t rip someone’s head off because they won’t listen, anyway.

And that is all for today. Have a spectacular day!

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