Wednesday, October 8, 2014

1450 (Machu Picchu thought to be under construction)

Good morning! It is a lovely rainy one today. This storm blew in about 5:40. Just before that there was a lovely rumble of thunder and the wind was howling around the house. Then the rain let loose. Some days I really wonder what the purpose of going back to bed at 5:00 is because there are many days that I do not go back to sleep. Today was one of them. At least I got to witness the coming of this storm. That really was pretty cool.
This dog is driving me nuts. She used to be content to just lay down wherever I was. Now she has to walk around and around my chair and touch me constantly. Can’t dogs tell when someone would like them to leave them alone? They can tell when someone doesn’t feel well and needs some added comfort. I don’t. Actually, the problem isn’t that I don’t like being touched by dogs, I just don’t like it all the time. I don’t even like it most of the time. In fact, I think dogs should be outside. What purpose do they serve in the house?
Saturday the boys played Barre in Barre at Felton Field. It was a good game with a score of 2-2. The first goal Hubbardston got was as much thanks to the Barre goalie fumbling with the ball but still, a goal is a goal. The second Hubbardston goal was by Cedric! He was especially pleased that he used his left foot to kick it in. I think that Hubbardston might have done a little better if they’d had practice during the week but Monday it was cancelled due to the 5th grade being gone to Nature’s Classroom and Wednesday due to rain. Still, it was a good game and I like watching at Felton because there’s a little bank to sit on that affords a better view of the field than the sidelines.
This past weekend was General Conference. There were some really good talks and we managed to listen to/watch every session. Laura actually got to be at the Sunday afternoon session in person. That must have been super cool.
Saturday and Sunday Paul worked in the barn when he wasn’t inside. The end wall is almost done. I need the inside done because I need to be able to milk inside out of the weather. I also need the inside done so that I can keep the does separated from the kids. I don’t know what the perfect system is but I know what mine is and that it works and that it doesn’t work when the weather is rainy.
Monday Seth had art at school. He didn’t want to go but I told him the reason he was going is because he said he wanted to and once you commit to something, you need to carry through. I know it’s a work in progress and I know I’m not perfect at it, but now is the time for him to learn the lesson; the earlier, the better.
Monday was also soccer practice and scouts for Seth. Amena stayed home from school because she didn’t feel well so the boys stayed home when I went to the rec field to walk/jog in the afternoon. While the boys had soccer practice, I knit. The socks are really coming along which is something of a miracle for me. We left practice early so that I could get the boys home and get to the Foley’s so I could go to the roundtable with Laura Foley. The new Tiger Den Leader (sorry, I forgot his name) went as well. There was a lot of good information there, I thought, and it’s a potentially huge source of ideas and networking. Joanna agreed to take Seth to scouts and bring him home so that saved me in that department.
On the way home from the roundtable, we saw something falling from the sky. It was very bright and flared as it got closer to the ground and then again a couple of seconds later. I googled everything I could think of to find out what it was but nothing turned up.
When I got home Paul was already home. The boys and Amena were all in bed. I sat down to check my email and guess what I discovered? The Jury Duty I had was Tuesday! I knew it was this month but for some reason, I thought it was next week. Ha ha ha! I don’t mind Jury Duty; it’s a good excuse to sit and do nothing but read and knit. Goodness knows I don’t usually spend hours on end doing either at home. Anyway, thank goodness Paul was able to stay home and work yesterday.
I left about 6:45 and walked into the courthouse at about 7:50. I would have been there earlier but when I was attempting to get in the parking garage, I made a wrong turn and ended up taking a detour. Still, it wasn’t a bad deal because it only took about ten minutes and I really wouldn’t have wanted to be any earlier than I was.
The trial I was part of the pool for was a malpractice suit. A woman was suing the doctor because her baby ended up with cerebral palsy (I think that’s what it was) and the woman felt the doctor caused it. This is entirely possible. I almost wanted to be on the jury but given my views of those in the medical profession and birth, I did tell the judge I felt I had preconceived thoughts and feelings that would affect my judgment in the case so I was excused. They had a hard time filling the jury. It was filled and then the attorney’s conferred and three were dismissed. Then those were filled and after conference, five were dismissed. I was called up at that point. I don’t know if they dismissed a slew after that because those of us who had been excused were let to go back to the Jury Pool room but I do know that once they went through fifty potential jurors, they called up fourteen more. Before they went up to the courtroom, the court officer or whatever he is told us that the judge was talking to the attorneys. My guess is that he was telling them to get with the program because there were only so many people to choose from. I think I might have not mentioned anything in order to get on the jury had the trial not been scheduled for two weeks.
Anyway, I was home by 1:00 and the boys were just sitting down for lunch. I ate a little but not much. Paul had warmed up some Indian beans. They’re good but have an over processed texture that I don’t particularly care for. He cooked up some Oriental noodles as well. They taste good but are made from overly processed grain and I really want to stay away from that.
Joanna and Zak came over. They had some laundry to take care of and ended up staying for dinner. We had eggplant parmesan and salad. Seth tried talking all involved parties into letting at least some children go over to their apartment but it just didn’t happen. Amena asked if she could go stay the night and I said no. She wanted to know why since it’s a half day and I said because she already missed school Monday. Not to mention the fact that they stay up all night playing games and watching movies which is probably part of the reason Amena didn’t feel well and missed school Monday (she spent the night Saturday and didn’t get to sleep until 6 am and got up at 7:30—really?).
Today, as mentioned is a half day. Seth and Joseph are still abed. It’s amazing how when there are Legos all over the floor, they’re up and playing with them. So, Legos being put away before bed is important for boys to get all the sleep that they need. Interesting, that.
I suspect soccer practice may be cancelled today due to the weather although I haven’t looked to see how long this rain is supposed to be with us. Today is my next walking/jogging day. I think I will look at the weather and see how it looks before deciding to either wait or postpone until tomorrow. I can do Pilates today if it’s supposed to be rainy all day but if it’s supposed to be rainy all week, I can just go get wet.

And that is all for today. Have a wonderful day!

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