Thursday, October 16, 2014

843 (Kenneth I [Cináed mac Ailpín], King of the Scots, becomes King of the Picts as well, making him the first monarch of the new nation of Scotland)

Good morning! Lovely wet day here. We’ve already had a couple of squalls but Cedric took the goats out already anyway.
Yesterday morning was a fairly typical day school-wise. Joseph, because it was taking him longer to get his work done than Seth, declared that it was not fair that Seth’s work was easier. He had a plus 2 sheet (you know, 9+2=, 2+3=, 5+2=, etc.) with twenty-five problems on it and I time him for 1 minute to see how many he can get done in that amount of time. Then he can take as long as he needs to finish the rest. Seth has a similar sheet but he’s been doing subtraction and his sheets have 100 problems and he gets timed for 5 minutes. I was actually just thinking about that and the 25 in 1 minute is faster than 10 in five minutes. I wonder what that’s all about. Anyway, Seth got in and got his work done and Joseph was dilly dallying and I think his problem boiled down to the fact that he didn’t want to spend any more time than Seth was.
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Yesterday afternoon was nothing out of the ordinary. I guess I shouldn’t say that because I did give Misty a haircut and bath. And this is one reason why I will never like dogs as much as I do cats. I don’t like bathing dogs. It’s a nasty job, fun for no one, and makes a mess all over whatever room you use. I also do not like giving dogs a haircut. It’s also a nasty job, fun for no one, and gets dog hair all over the bloody place. However, it needed to be done because she did have fleas and stunk. She looks like a new dog now. Smells better, looks better, and I think feels better. She really needs more attention with the clippers but they were beginning to get dull so to really finish the job we need new ones. It is interesting to note that when Paul attempted to give her a trim weeks ago, she would not sit still. I was helping but still it did no good (doesn’t help that I didn’t want to be holding her, though, either). I think it must be either that he started with her head and I started with her bum or in spite of the fact that he loves her and she loves him, he is still a big, mean, scary, man and I’m not. Anyway, I don’t plan on making this my life’s work and I’ll be happy when we have no dogs.
Cedric just kicked one in.

Seth and Cedric had soccer practice. For practice, they had a scrimmage with the U12 girls’ team. It was pretty fun to watch. I’ve never watched the girls play before so I don’t have anything to compare them to but I have watched to boys play. It was pretty obvious that the boys were taking it easy on the girls. They are usually very aggressive and they never reached yesterday the level they do during a regular game. I think it didn’t help much that the girls only had nine girls there and the boys had all seventeen players. They played with eight on the field so the girls only had one to sub while the boys had an entire team plus one on the sideline. The score ended up 6 to 1. The boys made one goal and then the girls did right away after. Then the boys just didn’t stop. They never got overly aggressive, but they never stopped.
The trees were great yesterday. And that is Joseph and his friend at the base of the US flag.

On the way home from practice, I dropped Joseph off at the Brinker’s for scouts. Jonathan asked if I could get him there before 6:30 so he’d have time to get to the school and get set up. Dropping him off on the way home was really the only way I could get that done because I needed to milk and get things together to get to church when I got home.
Once home, I milked (and got more than a half-gallon which isn’t a good measure of production but it was over 70 ounces and that is a good measure). It’s tasting good now, too, which is always a good thing. I really want to make yogurt and cheese.
Church was good. Jonathan said I didn’t have to pick Joseph up until I was done so I stayed the whole time. Cedric stayed outside the whole time—stinker. We got done early which was nice. I dropped Amena, Cedric, and Seth off at home and then went to get Joseph. Then I dropped him off and went to Walmart to get a couple of things that I intended to get earlier but had run out of time for. Paul was not home when I dropped the first three off at home but was when I picked Joseph up and wasn’t when I got back from Walmart. He’d just left to go see Ray.

And now we are in another day. Have a splendiferous one!

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