Wednesday, October 15, 2014

865 (Aethelred I, third son of Aethelwulf, succeeds his brother and becomes King of Wessex)

Good morning and haha! It’s been a bloody week? Wow!
I have been suffering terribly from a bad attitude lately that is partly dog-induced but not entirely. The problem with bad attitude problems is that once it begins, everything feeds it and it grows and grows something like a wild fire. I’m working on containment but there are still hot spots that flare up every now and again. Already this morning I’ve had a couple of them.
I've actually got the heels turned on both of these and the gusset on one done and in progress on the other. Honestly, the only reason I added this is because I wanted a picture because otherwise when I post it on Facebook you get a picture of me. Which is okay, just not very exciting.

Anyway, our past week has been...fairly typical. Not completely, but fairly. One notable exception has been The Walking Dead. The 4th season came out on Netflix and this past Sunday was the season premier. That means that many of us watched an episode here and there and isn’t it interesting that a ‘season’ consists of only 16 episodes? That means 16 weeks. Some aren’t even that long. Call the Midwife has something like 8 episode seasons.  What ever happened to seasons lasting six months?
An interesting thing from the 4th season that I finished yesterday (and the 1st episode of the new season since Joanna is so wonderful and told us where you can watch it online) was a couple of girls. They were sisters that came with the group that were rescued from the Governor’s clutches. Mika and Lizzie. Lizzie was the older of the two and probably wasn’t more than ten or twelve. She was an odd duck but at one point she said that she could hear the walkers and that all they wanted was for those who were alive to be like them. Isn’t that curious? She killed her sister so that she could turn so that others could see what she was talking about.
So while I find it interesting that she killed her sister and said that she could hear the thoughts or emotions of the walkers, I think it even more so that there are people like that among us. They live and breathe and have somewhat normal lives but they just don’t get it. Something about the way they are wired is different and there is no reasoning with them.
Today, being Wednesday, we have all of our typical Wednesday things to do. That means school, soccer practice, church, Joseph scouts, etc. Should be fun. Soccer is almost over. Unless they reschedule the game that was cancelled last week due to rain, there are only two games left. That’s kind of sad. I really do like watching the boys play and I don’t mind going to practice. Still, it does free Wednesday afternoon’s up and I won’t be so rushed. Still, practices already were shortened to end at 6:00 so that’s better than 6:30.
Yesterday Amena missed the bus. She didn’t miss it by a little bit, either, she missed it by a lot. She was so not ready that she wasn’t ready until after 9:00 and since that messed up Seth’s going to PE schedule, I decided at 9:14 that we weren’t going to PE and I wasn’t taking Amena to school. If we’d have left right then, he would have been late and I wouldn’t have been able to get back in time to pick him up after. If we’d gone for PE and taken Amena after, she wouldn’t have gotten there until 10:30 which would have had her at school for two and a half hours which included lunch and we wouldn’t have been able to get school going until 11:00. There just wasn’t any way to make it more attractive. I think the way we ended up doing it was fine. We started school twenty minutes late, Amena did her homework while the boys did their school work, and the boys were almost done by lunch.
Monday was a holiday for the students but not for Paul. We watched a lot of The Walking Dead, Arrow, and Ice Age. The weather wasn’t horrible but it wasn’t terribly warm either. There were some forays out, just not many and not of any great duration.
Sunday was Sunday. I had a meeting before church. Cedric, Amena and I had a meeting after church. Paul got to come home and put together lasagna. Other than the onions being in slices rather than chopped and the fact that some of the noodles were crunchy, it was pretty good. I had some for lunch yesterday and the sitting for a couple of days really helped the noodles. We had some people over for Family Home Evening and brownies in the evening. Kind of a busy day.
Saturday there was no soccer game due to the rain and Paul didn’t get as much accomplished on the barn as he’d’ve liked for the same reason. Still, it did clear up in the afternoon so he was able to go back out and work on it.
Friday was Friday and Thursday was Thursday. Thursday afternoon the boys and I went to Julia’s so I could help cut stuff out for Young Women in Excellence which is coming up next month.
And that is that. I’m going to sign off for now and probably get this posted after I have breakfast.
Have a fantastical day!

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