Tuesday, October 28, 2014

2828 (hasn't happened yet so I can't tell you anything that did)

Happy Birthday, Laura!!! Hard to believe that it’s been twenty-three years since Laura made her debut in this world. Wow. What an interesting twenty-three years it has been. I will be making a cake later and will have a picture on Facebook after that. I mean, really, we have to have cake, right?
Friday. Holy cow—seems like about forever ago. It was in the early afternoon that Seth and Joseph went outside and came back in to report that the runt (she really needs a name) was laying on the ground moving her legs but couldn’t get up. I’d heard her out there crying but hadn’t gotten out to check on her so I went out and there she was, the poor little thing. We brought her in, wrapped her in a towel and Seth held her while I fed her some warm milk with a dropper and then got a plastic tote fixed up for her to be in. We but a blanket in the bottom and then another to line the whole thing. I warmed a rice pack and put it under one layer of blanket and then baby goat and then a small quilt over her. She fell asleep eventually and slept for quite a while. We fed her again around 3:30 and got the crate ready on the front porch for her to spend the night in. Cedric held her for a while while he and his brothers watched something. That was pretty cute. When the goats came in, I had her suckle without competition from her brothers but decided it would be best not to let her sleep out with them all because she was doing better but I didn’t think she was quite good enough to completely fend off the others. We put Misty in with her and that worked out pretty well. Seth did end up bringing her in for a while in the middle of the night but in the morning I found baby goat asleep with Misty in the crate and Seth asleep on the porch by the crate.
I'm still not sure how this is better or easier than just dividing 3/4 by 6. Any ideas?

Because there was a school dance that Amena wanted to go to, Paul and I could have gone out but because I needed to pick Amena and three of her friends up, we couldn’t. Paul therefore was going to bring home Chinese for us and pizza for the boys. Amena got off to the dance fine and everything was going along fairly according to schedule and then Joanna called on Zak’s phone. They had gone to get his truck full of stuff and on the way home, the truck died. Joanna asked if I would get some oil and take it to them because they were stopped near exit 26 on route 2. I left to get it but then decided to call Paul and see if he thought oil would fix it because it didn’t really seem like it would to me. Paul agreed and I called Joanna back. Paul stopped there on his way home and Ray went with his truck and trailer to get the truck (although it took an hour and a half for him to get there). At 8:30 I called Paul because I needed to leave to get Amena and her friends and I didn’t need to take the van but if he was still too far from home, I would because the green car didn’t have enough gas to get to Barre and back. At that point he was still with Joanna, Zak and Ray and didn’t stay on the phone long enough for me to even tell him what I was doing so I left with the boys watching a movie.
Boys watching a movie with out new house goat. Isn't she cute? In spite of her cuteness and the fact that her hair is soft, Cedric reports that she still smells like a goat. Gosh, that's a hard one to imagine.

I picked the girls up and Paul called. The original deal was that I’d turn the oven on when he called. Well, can’t turn the oven on when I’m in Barre and have no way to contact the boys at home. So should he turn the oven on? Sure. When? As soon as he got to the house. We needed to drop off one girl and then the others came to the house to sleep over. Joanna and Zak were here cooking pizza. Paul was eating Chinese. I ate some Chinese. All other boys and girls had some pizza and then Cedric wanted some of my Chinese. Then Joanna said that their wonderful plan was for me to take them to Ray’s so they could get their stuff out of the truck and then we could take it to their apartment. By this point it was pretty late but that’s what we did.
Seth in action. Also, Tom and Jacob W.

Earlier in the afternoon, I’d gone for a walk because I’d already eaten three cookies that Amena made a couple of days earlier and then Joanna brought over lemon bars and I had one of them.  In other words, I needed to go for a walk because while I love Pilates, doing them doesn’t really burn that many calories and I needed to burn a few calories. Because I was walking, I went up Birches and turned east on Ragged Hill. Because I had my phone, I went until it told me I’d gone a mile and then turned around. On the way back, the bus passed me. Amena said she was sitting on the other side and didn’t see me.
Cedric in action.

Saturday morning I decided that I wanted to stay in bed as long as possible because I was tired of getting up early so I did. It was about 7:30 or so before I got up and while I wasn’t asleep, I wasn’t up. It was nice, but only sort of. I really don’t like just lying in bed doing nothing but
One heck of a U12 team.
sometimes it’s better than getting up and doing the same old unexciting stuff that needs to be done.
Cedric and Seth had their last soccer game at noon against Barre in Hubbardston. It was a good game. I think Barre is my favorite them that they played because they’re good and the coach doesn’t yell constantly. Of course Hubbardston won. The score was 5 to 3. And of course the game was good. After the game was the end-of-season pizza party at the Hubbardston Pizza Palace. The boys all report that the pizza is good so maybe we should try it sometime. I think they provided pizza for Daniel’s funeral.
After that the boys all needed to get to Mount Jefferson for the Haunted Hay Ride. Seth and Joseph were supposed to help with the pumpkin carving and Cedric needed to help get ready for the spook alley. Seth carved a pumpkin and I guess he came in 3rd although we never went to check on that. After we checked out the telescopes and rocket launching, we went home. The plan was to go back about 8:00 and catch the last haunted hay ride of the evening at 9:00 and then gather Cedric and go home. It’s always nice to have a plan even if they don’t work out as expected.
We did go back a few minutes after 8:00. However, no one was parking on the field, I guessed because of the mud and that was correct, but it meant we needed to park on the side of the road. I drove down a bit and then went to turn around and, not taking into consideration the muddiness of everything, went too far off the side and proceeded to get stuck. Jay Guertin, one of the coaches for soccer, happened to drive around us and park and went to get someone to pull us out. I don’t know who it was, but someone with a truck came and we got pulled out and parked and everything was good and I’m really glad that it was dark. It still wasn’t 9:00 but Jay mentioned that he hadn’t seen a tractor go by for a hayride since he’d gotten there. As it turns out, they’d stopped some time earlier due to the aforementioned mud so we missed out on that. Instead, we were going to search for Cedric. Laura Foley had called me saying she had him and could give him a ride home but since we were already there, I attempted to call her back to see exactly where they were but she didn’t answer.  And then I discovered that Seth and Joseph were not where I was. And it was dark. And I had no idea where they were. Then I spotted Cedric and Scott Carignan so I had Cedric but not Seth and Joseph. They turned up shortly and we went home. What an unexpected adventure; so different from what I’d imagined.
Paul worked on the barn in the morning with Brock Miller and Rich Goguen. In the afternoon he was going to get hay but his plans kept getting changed. At one point he called me to see if I knew where the tie-downs were. Honestly, I don’t keep track of them. He’d looked in every place he remembered putting them and came up with nothing and said that if he couldn’t find one, it meant no hay. I wanted to say that it wasn’t my fault that he couldn’t find one because I hadn’t done anything with them so he’d better not talk to me like he thought it was but I restrained myself. I really have no idea where they might be. I looked every place I remembered having seen them but they weren’t in any of those places. Such is life. Everything really does need a place and needs to be put in its place when not being used.
Sunday morning I had a meeting before church. Then was church. Then we came home and ate. I put a roast with potatoes and carrots in the oven and took a picture of the knob indicating temperature so if it got turned up I could at least say, “Look, this is where I left it.” But it was the same when I got home. Paul left church early to put the hay in the basement because the weather report had changed to a chance of rain and it had begun to look like it might. He got done as we were getting home.
In the afternoon I went with Paul to visit the Fuller’s. I like visiting with them. They are quite interesting and I really like Mary. Then we went to the church because I’d forgotten the zucchini bread that Joyce Horne had given me. Then we did all the typical Sunday afternoon things that we do at home. Then it was time for bed. I had Amena keep Kitty in her room because she wasn’t supposed to eat after midnight. She started making a fuss while Amena took a shower and Paul let her out as he was going to bed but after her shower, Amena got her back inside so all was well.
Monday morning I got up and made sure Amena was getting up. I got dressed and ate and got ready to take Kitty to Sterling for her spay appointment. Seth and Joseph wanted to go so I got them up and they got ready quickly. We took off and other than Kitty pooping on the passenger seat and wanting to help drive, the trip was fairly uneventful. Check-in time was 7:30 and we were there just a little after. There were lots of other people there dropping off cats and dogs so we weren’t late; there were at least two others after us.
We got home about quarter after eight so we had plenty of time to get ready for school and such. School was school. When the boys were all done with their work, including reading The Hobbit, I went for my walk/jog and when I got back from that, we had lunch. Then I took a shower and then we took off for Leominster.
We still hadn’t been able to get out and get the supplies we needed to make a stamp so that’s what we wanted to do. Our first stop was the bank to cash a check. Our second stop was Michael’s. We found unlined notebooks and finally all agreed on one to use for our log book. Then we wandered around some more and found ink pads. Then we wandered around some more and close to where we’d found the notebooks, found the stuff we needed for making our stamp. They had a kit with two cutting nibs, a handle, a sheet of rubber, instructions for transferring a picture to the rubber, and some pictures to use. Or we could get a sheet of rubber and a set of cutting/carving implements with five or six nibs and trust that we can come up with our own design and find out how to transfer it to the rubber online. We went with the latter and I read up on the procedure when we got home.
After Michael’s, we went to Walmart and got the things there that I wanted. Cedric wanted CO2, I wanted some paper lunch bags for soap, Seth and Joseph wanted some Legos. I also wanted to look for a lunch box for Cedric and containers for Amena and Cedric to take juice in their lunches. We scored on both. There was a bin of lunch bags and back packs marked down to $5.00. We struck out on those but did find a lunch bag Seth and Joseph thought Cedric would like (they were right—he did). One woman looking through the bin looked at a price tag and said, “$4.88. Marked. . .” she looked at the sign on the side of the bin, “down? to $5.00.” Yeah. Go figure. In the kitchen area, we found some containers for juice. Not only were they a price I could handle, they were made in the USA. Double score, that.
Then we came home. I had time to learn how to do stamps and Seth and Joseph had time to put their new Legos together. Amena had gotten home before we did and Cedric got home later. Everyone had some ice-cream and at 4:00 I went out to milk. Between then and about 8:30 I wouldn’t have time so I decided that an hour and a half to two hours early was better than an hour and a half to two hours late. I left to pick up Kitty when I was done milking and ended up almost 20 minutes early. So I waited.
At 5:05 the gate was finally opened and in spite of the fact that I was the first one there, I was the third one to actually get my animal. Poor Kitty! With no boys in the car, I wasn’t going to let her out of the carrier. She needed to poo and had a hard time moving around in the carrier because they put a cone collar on her. They kept calling it an e-collar and said she needed to have it on for 7 to 10 days. Right.
We got home, Kitty got fed and loved, I took off to the hospital for Meet the Doula Night and Doula Recognition. In the last year I volunteered over 100 hours and Greg and Kathy had some really sweet things to say about me in my role as their doula. For those of us ‘newer’ doulas, we got nice canvas bags. On one side it says “La Chance Maternity Center Heywood Hospital” and on the other “Doulas: Changing the World One Birth at a Time.” Inside are an assortment of things a doula might find useful including a package of tissue, a journal, pony holders, etc. Very  nice.
Then I got home. Paul called a couple of times while I was at the hospital and my Yoda ringtone got a few chuckles. He wanted to know about the dog food situation. He got a bunch a few months ago but it is almost gone and he thought it shouldn’t be yet. He called once I got home about something else as well and the call was lost. Every time that happens, he blames my phone. The problem is that there are places in the hospital that just don’t have cell phone reception and at home it depends on where I am. I don’t think it’s my phone.
When Paul got home there was lots of stuff to unload. No dog food, though, and more than what was on the list I’d given him. He mentioned that he thought he’d only be getting milk and was tired from shopping. I think it’s almost time to mention that he doesn’t have to do the shopping.
And that leaves us where we are. Tuesday. Laura’s birthday. Yeah. Got to make a cake, carve a stamp, get ready to find our first letterbox. Should be a fun day.

And I hope you have an absolutely splendiferous one!

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