Sunday, March 10, 2013

We Shall See

Good evening.
Friday turned out to be a pretty good day. I accomplished much that I wanted to including spending most of my remaining financial aid money. There was no school for my younglings due to the weather (we had about a foot) so it was not easy getting any school work done but I almost did all of that that I’d hoped to.
Funny thing about that—I started reading what I thought was the next chapter I needed to for Economics and then looked at the questions we need to answer and it turns out, I was reading the wrong chapter! It’s too bad, too, because the chapter I was reading I understand. The one I needed to I read yesterday and it’s okay but not as easy as the other. Not a problem, though, because it is all read as of last night and I’ll get the questions done tomorrow.
One of the things I wanted to do was pay the dues to join Phi Theta Kappa and I did that. The only problem is that the first meeting I can go to is tomorrow from 12:30 TO 1:30 and Cedric has a dentist appointment at 2:00. I cannot do both and Joanna will be at work and not able to go get him and bring him to the school. Laura might be able to get him and bring him but she needs to be at Staples in Leominster at 2:00 (she’s actually working tomorrow—Friday she didn’t due to the weather). We shall see what is to be.
My chiropractic appointment that I thought was Thursday was actually Friday and it was rescheduled due to the weather. I now go in on Wednesday. That actually turned out to be for the best because yesterday I ended up cleaning out the goat shed. I would not have been happy to go to the chiropractor one day and then throw everything out again by cleaning the goat shed. It hadn’t been done for about ever and there was a LOT of old hay and nanny berries and sawdust compacted in there and it was HEAVY. I really thought my back would kill me but it turns out that my legs are what hurt. I had a hard time getting to sleep because of them. Anyway, I got five cart loads of stuff out. Cedric and Seth dumped three in the garden and two in the driveway or whatever you call it down by the creek. Paul helped dump at least one in the garden and ended up losing a shoe in the snow.
Today Joseph had a talk in Primary. He ended up not giving it so I did it for him. This is what he was going to say:

I love my big brother, Daniel, and I know he loves me too. I know that he wants me to make good choices so that someday I can be with him again.
Sorry, caption is not part of his talk.
I just want to apologize because it's so small--
any larger and it just doesn't look good--all pixilated, you know.

Jesus Christ is my big brother too. He is everyone’s big brother. He loves all of us and wants us to make good choices so that someday we can all live with him and Heavenly Father.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I think it would have been good if he’d’ve said it but it turned out okay.
Next week, we do not have church in Gardner. For those of you who might not be familiar with our church, we have wards or branches (typically fewer people than wards), which are local geographic areas that meet in a fairly central location. Then we have stakes, which consist of wards and branches and kind of help out the wards and branches as needed. We have stake meetings every six months and call it Stake Conference. Next Sunday, we are having a special stake meeting. Everyone is careful to say, at church, that it is just a special meeting but some think that what is happening is a realignment of stake boundaries. It does happen sometimes as people move and populations change. It will be interesting to find out. I want to go. I don’t think Paul does. It is my understanding that Worcester has a stake meeting as well (we are in the Springfield Stake, Worcester is in the Boston Stake—what I’d like is if there were a Worcester Stake because it would be so much closer). Anyway, once again, we shall see what is to be.
And that is all for me tonight.

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