Thursday, July 17, 2014

Another That

Good morning! I am not well pleased with the canines that live in this house. This morning I woke up to pee and poop on the floor. I guess it is time to fashion Kitty and Minion a house that does not require the use of a dog crate so that the crate can come inside and we’ll see if Misty being it in at night helps diminish the problem. I think it might but it might not because Scooter does the same thing and we do not have two crates. Not only do we have two crates, I do not want to have enough space taken up by two crates to have two crates in the house. We have quite enough stuff as it is.
Joseph didn't want me to take his picture. I think it turned out pretty good.

Yesterday. I was going to go to Joann’s with Kim but Cedric had his picnic at school at 11:00 and since Joann’s doesn’t even open until 10:00, it really wouldn’t have worked out very well. In three weeks Cedric has another one and I think I’ll take Joseph and Seth so they can play at the playground. Cedric was the only boy until he called Ryan and Ryan came. Their teacher said, “It’s awful how they don’t get along!” Nice humor there. Cedric said it was a lot more fun than he thought it would be and I’m sure that is at least in part because Ryan did finally come. I got quite a bit of reading done so I was happy.
Team 1.

The afternoon was pretty low key. We didn’t do much, really; less than we should have done but more than nothing. We had church. The Young Men were in charge and they did an Iron Chef competition outside on camp stoves. They had to answer trivia questions in order to get their choice of the meat (chicken, Spam, or tofu [not meat, I know]) and then to get the recipe. The final question allowed the first team to answer correctly to trade meat if they so desired. It was a lot of fun, I think. It was fun to watch.
Team 2. Too much leader involvement here, I think.

There were a lot of boys there last night. William was there; we haven’t seen him for a while. Christina and Shawn’s brother was there for the first time. The twins were there. We only had five girls and I think there were twice that many boys. It was nice. Seth and Joseph were bored. I would have loved to have taken them home but then I would have had to go back to get Cedric and the only other YW leader there was Jessica. Which would have been okay, really.
Team 3.

Someone has been dipping into our prize basket. When I looked at it Sunday, it didn’t seem like that many things were in it and when I actually took a look, there weren’t. I hate to have to get a lock to put on the door but I might have to anyway.
Team 1. I think they should have won.

When we got home, everyone went to bed except Cedric who decided he wanted to read for a while. He actually ended up going to bed anyway and I did shortly after 10:00. I wanted to get more reading done as well.
Team 2. They did win. Just knowing there is Spam in there would have ruined it for me.

This morning I went out to move the stakes for the goats and to water them. Just being outside long enough to do three stakes, my arms itch to beat the band and so do my ankles. I washed my arms off as soon as I got inside but they’re still itching up a storm.
Team 3. They would have needed a miracle to win with the tofu because no one knew exactly what to do with it.

Today is going to be interesting I think. I’m going to visit Elizabeth this morning. I was going to go at 9:00 but I’m going to see if 10:00 will work. This afternoon the Young Men are all gathering at the Troops for air soft wars. Amy says that the shower for Mally is still on even though she just had the baby on Sunday. I wouldn’t personally go if I’d just had a baby but, you know, that’s me.
And this is what we left to.

Kind of short for today but such is life. Have a splendiferous day!

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