Saturday, July 5, 2014

Lovely Rainy Day

Good morning! Yesterday was a pretty nice day—it rained pretty much all day. It was heavenly! And it appears that someone ate something when they were using my laptop because now the left shift key doesn’t want to work properly. Very annoying. Today is lovely so far but I don’t know if it will continue or not. The sky is blue and there are a few small clouds. There is a nice breeze and the humidity doesn’t seem too bad.
Because it was raining all day yesterday, all activities at the Goguen’s were postponed until today so this afternoon we will be going over there. We have the option of staying for fireworks or going to Fitchburg. I think I’d prefer going to Fitchburg because they’re bigger and more visible. The ones at Goguen’s are dependent upon the neighbors and unless you are in the right spot, the trees rather are in the way. Unless they’ve cut down some trees since we were last there and I personally wouldn’t have wanted to do so.
Trampoline fun in the rain. Cedric joined them later in the day.

We had sausage and artichokes for dinner last night. For lunch we had cottage cheese and fruit. For breakfast we had this and that; some cereal, some pound cake, some fruit. After breakfast, the boys and I cleaned the living room. Paul split wood almost all day.
After lunch and a shower and whatever else I did, we watched the last Star Wars movie. We started with Star Wars IV: A New Hope on Sunday and we watched one each day until yesterday. It was pretty nice since we hadn’t watched since sometime last year.
Yesterday morning Amena took the goats out. It was overcast but hadn’t begun to rain. When she came in, she took a shower like she always does because goodness knows she gets all nasty smelly gross whenever she does anything with the goats. I said to the boys, “Wouldn’t it be funny if it starts raining just when she gets done with her shower and she has to bring the goats back in?” Well, the rain didn’t hold off even that long and Seth and Joseph ended up bringing them in for her. From then on, it pretty much rained all the rest of the day. When I got up to use the bathroom around 2:30 this morning, it was still raining.
Resting. All that jumping is hard work, you know. Especially when your wet clothes make you weight twice as much as usual.

This morning Misty helped me water the goats and then move the stakes. I also brought in the two that aren’t currently being used. They’ll need to be soon with the little boys but so far I just let them run around as they will. So far, they haven’t gotten in trouble. We’ll see if they do before I decide to stake them out or not.
Also this morning, Joseph saw a mama turkey and her babies in the field. I went out to look and sure enough, there’s a mama turkey with about a million babies. They’re so cute when they’re little. When Misty and I went out, they were mostly at the edge in the trees. There were three or four babies together in a little hollow in the grass but when I appeared followed by Misty, they joined their mother and siblings among the trees. They were still in the trees when we left to go back in the house.
Last night Joanna wanted to use the green car to go see Zak. I told her she’d have to ask Paul because all the cars are in his name. I’m not quite sure the reasoning, but he said it really isn’t reliable for long distances and he didn’t want her to break down somewhere along the way. Her Jeep was at Ray’s because for the second time it wouldn’t start after work a couple of days ago. The funny thing she said is that when she got to work, she went in and then thought she’d better check her lights. She’d left them on so she turned them off. Then when she went to leave, the light switch was pulled out. Someone turned them on while she was at work and it completely drained the battery. Anyway, other than her Jeep being in the shop, it was also raining. Still, she was willing to take her Jeep if it was ready to go so she asked me if I’d give her a ride to Ray’s.
I did. That was pretty exciting. I waited for more than half an hour while she fiddled with things and then Ray came and ended up putting in a new battery. I’m not sure at what point she decided to not go see Zak, and it may have been a combination of things, but between sitting in the rain playing with things and driving home in the rain, she made that call. She got plenty wet and cold just driving from Ray’s to home and it’s less than four miles and takes about five minutes. The drive to Zak’s is more like an hour so I think she made the wise choice.
When I got home, I did a little laundry, brushed my teeth, and went to bed. I had some Call the Midwife to read, you know.

And now today is another day. Have a fantastic one!

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