Saturday, July 12, 2014


Good morning! We had a good day yesterday. The boys put Legos away and did some picking up, mostly of laundry, in their room and put away most of the clean clothes that they had. We went to see the fourth Transformers movie. It was interesting. I really think they’re drawing the whole thing out but there were still some good parts and some that really annoyed me. Mostly the really annoying parts had to do with government. J
In the morning I made two key lime pies because I had a bunch of limes that needed to be used and Paul bought some condensed milk a week or so ago and graham crackers the day before. It sure used a lot of eggs. One recipe calls for five egg yolks. I’d planned on doing two pies but the recipe didn’t fill up the crust as much as I thought it could so I did another and divided it between the two. So, fifteen eggs. That’s a lot.
The baby birds on the 6th.

Before we left to watch the movie, I started cutting out the pattern for Kim’s skirt. When we got back, I finished that and made some alterations to the bodice and then made a pattern for the overlay. The last thing I did was cut that into strips to lengthen it for the bunched-up-drapey-look. I’m not sure what I’ll get done on it today.
The baby birds yesterday. They've sure been growing.

The reason being the cub scouts have a car wash this morning that we’ll go to from 10:00 to noon and then Kim’s bridal shower is at 1:00. I need to get some soap wrapped for that and I’m deciding if I want to shower before the car wash or after. There are benefits to both but I’m going to have limited time after car wash/before shower. Hmmm. That’s funny.
Anyway. . .
Last night Nick came over so that the boys wouldn’t have to go out with us. Cedric really didn’t want to go out to eat; he’s a funny boy. They were watching Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy when we left and one of The Lord of the Rings when we got home. Well, some of them were. Some of them were playing on the computer.
Paul and I found another good place to eat. It’s next to the place we went to last week. They have Thai food and Paul says their Pad Thai is the best he’s had. I tried one of the specials because it sounded interesting rather than one of the hot dishes because I figured if we go back, I can try something else and the specials might not be available. It was quite good and I brought half of it home because Paul wanted to try an appetizer. Just that would have been enough for a meal, really. Even Paul brought home some of his Pad Thai.
The full moon last night. It was pretty cool. I wish I'd taken the camera with me when Paul and I went out because when it was lower to the horizon, it was huge.

This morning I was perusing Facebook and checking emails (but not in that order) while I was eating my yogurt. There is almost always something interesting to be found and today was no exception. For example, I found this video of Hillary Clinton. In it she said, "I don’t think any parent, any person, should have to fear about their child going to school or going to college because someone, for whatever reasons. . .could possibly enter that school property with an automatic weapon and murder innocent children, students, teachers.” (Burke, Jennifer. "VIDEO: Hillary Clinton - You Are Not Allowed to Support Gun Rights; If You Do, You're a Terrorist." TPNN. N.p., 18 June 2014. Web. 12 July 2014. <>. Just as an aside, I don’t like the title of this: I don’t recall hearing her say that if you support gun rights you are a terrorist. I wouldn’t be surprised if she has or if she at least holds this opinion but as a title, I don’t think it was quite appropriate.)
This is a debate that is going to go on for quite some time. Compromise seems to be a thing of the past. Politics seem to be now a case of “my way or the highway.” Nevertheless, don't people realize that more stringent laws regarding guns are not going to keep them out of the hands of people who want them badly enough? Hello . . . earth to idiots! Laws made alcohol illegal for a time; did that stop people from making and drinking it? There are many illegal drugs; does the fact that they are illegal keep people from using them? If guns become illegal, does that mean that people will stop using them and crime will magically go away? What alternate universe do these people live in?
Furthermore, how are they going to ensure that no one enters a school property with a gun? Just as an example I’m pretty sure I’ve used before, Hubbardston Center School locks the doors during school hours. If I want to get in, I have to be buzzed in while my children are at school. However, after school there are after school programs and other activities. All three of my younger boys had Tiger Scout meetings at the school and the school was never locked then. What is there to stop someone from entering the school during such a time and waiting? I’m sure it wouldn’t take too long to figure out what the normal routine is for the janitors and work around that. Then all someone would have to do is enter the school when it is not locked, wait in a darkened room until the next morning and then wreak havoc.
So, what are they going to do? Keep the doors locked 24/7? Even that wouldn’t keep an overly determined person out. Keep the doors locked 24/7 and have everyone go through metal detectors? There’s probably a way to get around that as well so why don’t we just keep the doors locked 24/7 and have everyone x-rayed as they enter? There is no simple solution, contrary to what politicians seem to think.
I still like my idea. Have a few armed guards at the school. That should work as a deterrent. After all, if it’s good enough for Obama’s girls, it’s good enough for my children as well.

Have a fantastic day!

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