Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Weekend in Review

Would you believe that there is still some key lime pie left? Hard to believe, but true.
Good morning! Saturday was much like I expected. The car wash was fun for the boys and yet they were anxious to leave at the same time. I’m not sure why. Seth especially wanted to leave; I think Joseph would have been fine staying for the duration. I was going to leave at noon but that would only have given me an hour to accomplish the things I needed to so we left at 11:30. That still gave us an hour and a half there.
When we came home, I ate and fixed soap labels so that I could print some out for soap to give as a gift. I don’t care where people register or what they want; from me they are going to get soap. We actually have something else as a gift for the wedding but I’ll put some soap in it—there is just no escaping the suds around here.
Speaking of suds and soap, Marlain wants to come over the next time I make soap as does Sister Caceres. I really do need to make some; I have lots right now but I don’t have everything. I also need to make some lotion and lip balm.
I looked out the window because the goats are making noise and it is heavily misting out there.  The humidity is currently 94% and I can believe that. According to the forecast, we aren’t supposed to get below 87%. That is disturbing. We have a 60% chance of rain as well, which I can deal with, and an estimated high of 79°, which I can also deal with. But with that humidity, all I can say is YUCK!!!
The bridal shower was nice. There were games and even though I didn’t win anything I still like them. I wish that the baby showers around here had more games because since the one for Heather Myler and Eli, there hasn’t been a single game at any of the showers I’ve been to. Anyway, sat with Mally Black and then Meredith joined and then Marci Mayer. We talked a lot about pregnancy, labor and birth. Surprised? Hmmmm, not really with one of us very pregnant and one of us me!
Mally said that she wasn’t worried about anything really with Juliet because she was her first baby and she didn’t know what to expect. This time she knew more what to expect and didn’t want to go to the hospital as soon. I told her to call me when she was ready to go to the hospital and I would meet them there and could alleviate many worries while there. Interestingly, she actually had the baby at 6:00 am Sunday morning. At 4:00 pm, she wasn’t feeling terribly labory. I’d love to talk to her now and see how the whole labor and birth went. I imagine I will, at some point.
Sunday was Sunday. The talks were good. Sunday School was good. For Young Women we combined the Laurels and Mia Maids and Julia taught and we had our lesson outside. The lesson was good and it was nice being outside in the shade. Except for the ants that kept bugging me. I think we should have a blanket for those days we have lessons outside. Maybe I could donate one of ours; it isn’t like we don’t have enough.
After church I completely forgot that there was a BYC meeting and I left with Seth and Joseph. Cedric stayed for the meeting which was good. The younger boys and I got everything ready for tacos and Amena called to see if Rachel could spend the night. That was fine with me so she came home with Paul, Amena and Cedric.
Joanna was getting ready to go to Puerto Rico all afternoon. She left just before the boys went to bed to stay at Zak’s because they needed to leave there at 7:00 to get to Boston to catch their flight which was scheduled to depart at 9:00. She said that his mom only lives something like fifteen miles from the airport (she lives in Wilmington). At the time they needed to leave, I can imagine that it can take an hour or more to get those fifteen miles. I’m really glad that it’s them and not me.
Yesterday morning I went to see Elizabeth and Jonathan. They had an appointment with Katie McCall, the midwife I’m hoping to work with, at 9:00 and Elizabeth wanted me to be there. I’m glad I was; I like Katie better than I did and Ranee, her current student, as well.
In the afternoon at 2:00, Cedric and Amena had physicals. I thought that I would just take everyone but then Cedric pointed out that I didn’t have room. Ooops! Very true. I called Marlain but she didn’t pick up so I just decided to leave Rachel home with Seth and Joseph. Rachel is 13 so she’s old enough to babysit and Seth and Joseph are usually pretty good left to their own devices. I texted Marlain while I was waiting at the doctor to let her know what was up and she said that Rachel would be happy for the babysitting experience. They were fine while we were gone, of course, and Rachel was making them watch Anastasia which I think is fantastic (one of my favorite movies).
Marlain came a little after 5:00 to pick Rachel up and Rachel is funny. She kept encouraging us to talk more. We already visited for nearly half an hour and could have gone for much longer but they needed to get home and get dinner going which is perfectly understandable.
The rest of the evening was pretty low key and fairly typical. Right now I think we need to stack wood. We never did yesterday because I was gone during the best stacking time. I think, actually, that we’ll go stack and then I’ll get this posted.

Have a terrific day!

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