Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Here Comes the Rain Again

Good morning! Currently it is 67° with humidity of 95%. Our expected high is 72° and we have a 100% chance of rain. Bring on the rain! I can deal with that. This 95% humidity is for the flippin’ something. I was going to say birds but who am I to know if they like it or not. Oh, I’ve got it—This 95% humidity is for the flippin’ New Englanders (we’re talking natives, here, not those of us who happen to live here but wouldn’t normally).
The rain in the back.

Yesterday wasn’t an overly exciting day. In the morning we got all the wood that was split stacked. I was out there for longer than half an hour and Seth ended up staying longer than half an hour but other than that, half an hour of everyone stacking got the job done. Seth wanted to stay until it was done and he did. Because we didn’t use as much this past winter, we still had quite a bit already stacked and so it’s coming along quite nicely. I’d like for it to be completely done so that we can turn our attention to other things that need to be done. We’ll see how that goes.
The rain in the front.

In the afternoon I went to Walmart to get some glue sticks so I could work on the wedding dress. I got glue sticks and cream and a package of leather cording for the bead project I’ve been working on. When I got home I ended up doing that rather than the dress because I really didn’t have that much time for the dress and I’d like to devote a chunk of time to it and I didn’t have a chunk of time because I also needed to get dinner stuff going.
For dinner we had green beans with bacon and onions, lentil and brown rice pilaf, and tandoori chicken. It all turned out pretty well. The chicken turned out good but not quite like the stuff I’ve had at Indian restaurants. Maybe because I used vanilla yogurt instead of plain because I didn’t have plain and figured vanilla wouldn’t be too bad. Certainly better than peach or raspberry which would have been the other choices.
Three boys having fun on the trampoline in the rain (no lightning today to worry about). Amena took off the net and the one pole that was bent so badly that I figured it was a worse hazard than falling off without the net. The other poles will come off as soon as I get out there and take them off.

Paul got a ton (almost literally) of vanilla, peach, and raspberry yogurt in the big containers ages ago. We all like yogurt but not that kind. They were all flavored rather than having real fruit in them and the texture is from the thickeners they add rather than actually being good yogurt. Anyway, they were a good deal but it’s taking me forever to get them used up because no one really likes them. I use some in pancakes when I make them and sometimes I use some in other things such as muffins or cake but still, it’s taking forever (you know, it’s all relative and for each individual yogurt, it is forever). This is why I decided to use the vanilla in the chicken yesterday. I’d be happy to try it again with plain in a month or two.
Our baby birds. What do you think, Laura, cuter?

For dessert we had strawberries and whipped cream. We had all these strawberries and they were going to go bad before I got any made into a pie so I cut them up and got the whipped cream yesterday and called it dessert and it was quite yummerly.
Other than that, I finished reading the book I was about women during colonial times. The author was writing it in the early 1900’s and this seemed pretty obvious. I actually did learn quite a lot about the lives women led during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and some of what I already knew about life in the early twentieth century was emphasized.
It did seem rather obvious that medieval attitudes about marriage and marital fidelity were not widely known when the book was being written. The author mentioned that husbands, while not necessarily free to wander and basically commit adultery with impunity, they did and the wives commonly seemed to forgive such slips in loyalty. While husbands weren’t necessarily expected to be unfaithful, it was fairly common. Wives, on the other hand, were expected to be true to their husbands and it appears that they mostly were.
Compare this to medieval attitudes where men were expected to wander but of wives it was not allowed. Men were not expected to enter marriage as virgins but women were. It seems obvious to me that these people who were coming from Europe hadn’t completely lost these deeply engrained ways. Just interesting, I thought.
The expected rain has begun.

Have a splendiferous day!

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