Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July

This is from yesterday:
Good morning! Yesterday was awful. It was way too hot and way too humid and I was ready to move to Antarctica. Seriously. In my opinion, this kind of weather is what people are most likely to find in purgatory/hell/outer darkness. On the other hand, we did have some awesomely loud thunder. Most of the lightning wasn’t visible. We also had some tremendous rain showers. They were especially nice because I hadn’t watered the garden in the morning.
 This isn't:
Happy 4th of July! Other than the date, I could say almost exactly the same thing this morning that I did yesterday. The only difference is that the lightning was visible. And completely awesome!
Wednesday night the boys wanted to know if Neal could spend the night. Then the girls hatched the idea of Rachel coming over. Well, I could have squeezed one more person in but certainly not two. Marlain couldn’t take them to the house because she had to give someone a ride home.  Then the girls came up with a plan: Sarah could spend the night, too, and her dad could give her and Rachel a ride. Well, that was fine and Amena ended up riding with them as well.
Minion getting ready for the attack.

We had strawberry shortcake at church Wednesday night for the girls (and leaders) who brought their books. Everyone who was there brought their books which was very nice. I had a meeting with Marlain for a Family History conference that we’ll be doing in November so I was very glad that Diana showed up so she could work with the girls. Other than the three already mentioned, Jessica T. was there so there were only four girls. Other than writing in their journals, they were able to finish the first value experience for Knowledge. It was a good one.
The attack. Misty just really doesn't understand Minion's method or madness.

Because we had the strawberry shortcake at church for girls who brought their books, I couldn’t let the boys have any (they aren’t girls and didn’t bring their books). But once we were home they had some. They finished up the strawberries and cream. There is still some pound cake left.
I love pound cake.
She moved her head. It was perfect of both of them looking at the camera but we got this instead.

Yesterday morning for breakfast I cooked up some sausages and made pancakes. The boys were all ready to eat but the girls were, of course, asleep. When the boys were done eating, they went with Paul to get some wood. While they were gone, Rachel got up and said Sarah and Amena had told her to not wake them up. Silly girls. Later, I asked them how much sleep they’d gotten and Sarah said at least three hours. Silly girls. I hope they learn soon that three hours is not enough.
I needed to take Rachel and Neal home at noon so that I could get back in time for my eye exam. When we were in Idaho, I went to the Vision Center at Walmart in Ponderay so when we moved here, I went to the Vision Center at the Walmart in Lunenburg. Well, the Walmart in Gardner now has a Vision Center and the same doctor goes to both: he does three days in Lunenburg and two or three in Gardner. He likes it because he lives in Athol which is definitely closer to Gardner. I like it because it’s 3.5 miles compared to 20 miles.
On my list of things to do was drop some papers off at the doctor’s office for the boys for camp. I thought about doing that on my way to Walmart because it would have saved some miles but there ended up not being enough time.  Had I left ten minutes earlier, it would have been fine. So I went and my exam went well. The doctor wanted to get a good look at my eyes because glaucoma is in the family. I refused the eye drops for dilation because it was very sunny and bright out and I still had some running around to do and the frames of my glasses broke so I’m wearing an old pair that do not get dark. The Lunenburg store has a machine that will take a picture of the inside of your eyes; it’s really very cool. The Gardner store does not therefore he would have had to use the eye drops. Still, he said that my eyes look the least like they’re developing glaucoma that he’s seen recently. I am glad to hear that.
While the Vision Center will take our insurance for the exam, they will not for glasses. Only one office in Gardner will and I’ll go there Monday to get some ordered. Then, depending on if I like them well enough or not, I might end up back at the Vision Center for glasses because they have by far the best prices around.
After that I went to the doctor’s office where I left papers for Seth and Joseph to be filled out. I didn’t leave Cedric’s because his last physical was more than twelve months ago and he has one scheduled for later this month. I parked in the south parking lot and I walked all over the hospital and Medical Arts Building. I was going to describe my wanderings but began to realize how confusing it would be so I’m not. I’m not sure if I could really do the story justice because I’m not really sure I have all the floors straight anyway and that would add to the confusion. Sorry. While I was there, I scheduled a physical for myself. The receptionist told me my last one had been in 2012 which is interesting because when I attempted to schedule one earlier this year, I was told that I’d had one in January of 2013. Someone doesn’t know how to read the records right.
Then it was off to the library. I was hoping Chris Barbera would be there because I need to give her a check for Cedric to go to Scout Camp with the Hubbardston Scouts. She wasn’t there but at least I was able to get the last Call the Midwife book. I’ve read enough already to tell you that I’m glad I didn’t live in England in the 1800’s and some of the things that happened then make doing Family History a nightmare. Jennifer Worth, the author, even mentions that at the end of one chapter and I was thinking it as I was reading that chapter.
Then home and ice cream and Star Wars. While watching Star Wars, I couldn’t stay awake—it was too hot and I was too inactive. Then Paul called and said that Sha-Nan had sent him home because he was coughing so much. He asked if we should go out Thursday or Friday. I thought yesterday was better since today is the 4th and either we’d be at Goguen’s (if not raining) or eateries would be too crowded. So he got home, took Seth and Joseph to Bella’s to deliver the rest of the plants that we didn’t put in the garden. When he got back, we left. I’d done artichokes for children with instructions to have cottage cheese and fruit if they wanted more food because artichokes really aren’t that filling. I love artichokes but the smell of them cooking yesterday was a bit much; I’m glad I didn’t have to eat any.
We went to a new place Paul noticed last week when he was driving by. It is called Kabob-e-licious and it is good. It is operated by a sister and brother who learned Indian/Middle Eastern cooking from their mother and Hispanic cooking from friends. I had lamb kabobs with tabouli and falafel. Excellent. Paul had steak and scallop kabobs with Spanish rice and tabouli. We also had nan bread. Super good. If you like that kind of stuff, you should go there. The menu is small but, like the brother said, they give it all they’ve got. The outside doesn’t look like much but inside is quite nice. We will be going there again. There is another place next to them that we’ll be trying out in the near future. I’ll let you know how that goes.
When we were done, we stopped at Market Basket to see if the Hood Ice Cream was still $2.50 each. It was so we got eight. Then we were on to Price Chopper because Paul forgot distilled water AND because Friendly’s Ice Cream was on sale for $1.99 each. We got four. And some cream (to make more ice cream because homemade is even better than the store stuff) and water tapioca.
And, if you are wondering about this picture,
I will tell you about it. We have one of these but it isn’t exactly like this one. Still, it’s fun (I even like it). There is something magical about magnets and anything magnetic and the one we have was Daniel’s so of course that makes it even more special. When the sister missionaries were here Tuesday, Sister Kemp asked if we like it and why because she thinks they’re kind of boring. Nothing personal and I know that it takes all kinds, but really? I can’t imagine.

Have a wonderful day!

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