Thursday, January 3, 2013

C. O. L. D.

C. O. L. D. does not even begin to describe this morning. Depending upon location, it was somewhere below 10°. I do not know what it was here specifically, but it was cold enough that the Jetta did not want to start. It was cold enough that after driving for about 50 minutes to Worcester after letting it warm up for about 15 minutes, the temperature indicator for the engine was going DOWN while idling. There is a time/temp display in Holden on the way and it said 7° when I drove by at about 8:30. COLD.

In other news, my mother got off safely. The last I heard from her she had arrived safely in Washington, DC, and was scheduled to depart for Phoenix at 5:00 pm. I am going to assume (which I normally hate doing) that she got off safely and that she will be texting me once she arrives. She’s pretty good about that. Loooooong layover in DC. I’m glad she had lots of knitting to do.

Joanna conned Adam into driving her to Brewster on the cape somewhere to look at a Jeep. As it turns out, it needs the clutch replaced so I’m glad that Adam went with her rather than me because I might not have caught the problem in time. Other than being cold, it was a nice day for a drive. The guy who has the jeep actually knows one of Cedric’s third grade teacher’s daughters which is kind of cool. They ordered the parts and already let Joanna know that they should be in Monday and they think they’ll be done Wednesday so she’s making plans to go Thursday and pick it up.

Currently, supper, which is warmed up turkey chowder, is ready so I’ll be off for now.

I am back and it is currently 6:55 pm. Cedric is supposedly washing dishes but is actually following Joanna and clapping his hands.

This morning the reason I was driving in the cold (and deciding that since we do not have a heated steering wheel that I need some gloves) to Worcester is because I had an orientation for my phlebotomy clinical which begins Monday morning at 8:30 in Worcester. The orientation was pretty straight forward; we went over HIPPA stuff and confidentiality (which just means that I won’t be telling you any interesting stories regarding any people whose blood I might draw [have you ever drawn blood? Daniel liked to]) and what we should wear and such exciting things. We get to wear scrubs. I wanted to go upstairs and take a look in the attic today when I got home but life was a bit hectic when I got here so I haven’t done it yet. I might still go up and get them and bring them down and then take a look but I also need to get ready to make some soap and should make some chunks for Creamy Honey Oat Bars.

Our instructor told us that we would be doing our internships in Leominster or Worcester which isn’t quite correct. Leominster wasn’t one of the options. There are three, I think in Worcester (two for sure) as well as Spencer, Millbury, and Milford (I think on the two Mil’s). I think there was one other city as well but I don’t remember for sure. Anyway, I got one of the Worcester locations which is good because I already know where it is and it is super easy to get to.

After the orientation, I went to see Christine. She and I took the Basic Midwifery Course together. She and her family moved a few months ago from Littleton to Auburn. Auburn is just south of Worcester; it took me only about 10 minutes to get there. When I arrived, she was gone getting the oil in her van changed. She arrived and we had a good visit. Cooper is two now and cute as can be and Sawyer is a few months old and cute as can be. I got to hold him and talk to him. Cooper loves Cars and told me quite a bit about the ones he has.

Well, it is rather later than it was earlier (9:01) so I am going to call this done for now and move on to something else that does not require sitting in/on a wooden chair. I hope you have all had a WONderful day and that tomorrow is as well.


  1. By the time I read this i was home in my nice warm house and my rental car is out in the driveway. I'll have to go get my care in Spokane when it is fixed but it isn't safe to drive because the lights aren't working right. I really enjoyed my visit but I am also very glad to be home again.

    1. We were glad to have you, as usual. And glad you arrived home safe and that your car is being taken care of. And I was going to say something else but I don't remember what.
