Sunday, January 13, 2013

Just One of Those Days

Good morning. Today is one of those days when I’d like to crawl into a hole. It is one of those days when I feel I have about as much control of self as the boys often exhibit. It is one of those days when I really just don’t feel like doing anything. And one of those days when I cannot just do nothing.

Friday was a pretty good day. Of my seventeen attempted venipunctures, sixteen were successful. Of my only attempted dermal puncture, it was successful. Fridays are often slow we were told and it was a slowish day. However, because Thursday was rather chaotic and lacked any sense of flow, we were able to accomplish more venipunctures Friday than Thursday.

We left about five minutes before five and I was happy to discover that leaving five minutes early resulted in arriving home 20 minutes earlier than any day previously in the week. That gave me 20 minutes to sit with Joseph and talk about his day and week. If given the opportunity to leave early this coming week, I will jump on it.

On the other hand, I was going to see about going in half an hour to an hour later and leaving that much later as well. Then I would be able to go down with Paul which would relieve me of having to drive which would be nice.

One of the reasons I have been somewhat cross this morning is because of my back. Wednesday it was feeling pretty good. In spite of the fact that I’d been regularly taking my heavy duty ibuprofen, I felt pretty good when I got home. I could get out of the Jetta and was able to walk into the house without having to stand by the car for a minute to straighten up and feel like I wasn’t going to break. When I drove the van to church, CVS, PriceChopper, Walmart, church and back home, I felt almost as bad as I did when I got home Monday night (like death). I wasn’t feeling too cheerful about getting in the van, even as a passenger, and have another setback. Likewise, I’m not feeling too cheerful about driving the Prizm because I don’t know what it’s going to do to me. With it fixed and home, I’ll get to drive that and Paul will be back in the Jetta.

Also, we’re having Paul’s birthday party today after church and he wanted turkey, etc. That’s fine; I don’t mind. He also wanted to invite people such as the Fuller’s, who’ve never been here to eat, and Ruth, who is often, and Devon and Adam, who both would rather be watching football. That’s fine; I don’t mind that either. We actually often have turkey after church to eat so the whole turkey thing is not a big deal. The big deal is the people who can’t get out of bed to help, especially when I can’t lift anything without feeling it in my back. I want to get over this thing, not keep making it worse. Am I complaining? It feels like it.

Anyway, such is life. I am staying home from church today. I am going to bake rolls while everyone is gone and lie on my bed and read The Fellowship of the Ring. Lying in bed is the only time that my back does not hurt at all. Sometimes it twinges when I move but just lying there is good and about the only thing I want to do.

Tomorrow is another day. We’ll see how I feel about it once today is done which I’m hoping takes a little time.

Have a wonderful day.


  1. So what's your grand total of successfull draws up to?

  2. As of the end of yesterday, 169. With only three days left, I would like to make it over 200.
