Tuesday, February 11, 2014

1,006 Words (not counting captions)

Good morning! There is nothing quite like the 12-year-old sticking his head in the door and yelling, “The bus is here!!!” in order to get the 10-year-old and the 7-year-old moving a little faster so that everyone is waiting for the bus when it comes rather than the bus having to wait for one of them, most likely and often the 7-year-old. It just left; two minutes earlier than usual. And the great thing is that Seth has his simple machine for Valentine’s Day and Joseph has his Valentine’s Day cards. Sometimes it’s the simple things, you know?
Seth in his snow fort.

Yesterday I did a little research online for goat food. I feed the goats alfalfa pellets, sweet grain, and crimped oats as well as hay. I wouldn’t give them the alfalfa pellets if we actually had alfalfa hay but it seems to be difficult to find around here; the only kind I’ve seen is just pasture grass cut and baled. While the goats like it for the most part, it does not provide everything they need. Speaking of everything they need, they could probably use a mineral block as well. I’ll have to take a look the next time I’m at a feed store. Anyway, there is a Tractor Supply Co. by Aldi’s where Paul likes to go. I thought that since that’s on his way home if he goes that way (and he usually does, especially if I tell him we need something at the store), I’d check out the prices of the sweet grain and alfalfa pellets because we are low on sweet and out of pellets. I looked, compared prices, discovered that the prices were about $2.00 less per 50 pound bag, and told Paul in an email exactly what I wanted. Mind you, I looked on the Tractor Supply website for the information I got. When he got home, he said that he couldn’t get the alfalfa pellets I’d told him to because they don’t carry them. Are you kidding me? Then why have them on the website? Anyway, he got a 40 pound bag for the price listed for a 50 pound bag; still a better price than anywhere else I’ve gotten them. He also said that whoever he spoke to at the store wanted to know why I wanted the alfalfa pellets for goats; it’s horse food. Really? I’ve only had goats on and off for how many years? Since before Laura was born so for more than twenty-two years. In all that time I’ve probably never done any research or read anything or talked to anyone about what my goats need in the way of food and nutrition so, yeah, I probably have no idea what the heck they need. Sure. Just give me what I want and don’t question my intelligence thus showing your lack thereof.
In other news, Cedric and Seth both had scouts last night. We took Cedric to the Carrignan’s and dropped him off and then went to the Pitney’s. Sam’s mom offered to bring Seth home any time I need due to conflicts with time as they live almost around the corner just about two minutes away. I need to tuck that away for future reference.
The Blue & Gold, which is scheduled for this Thursday, might have to be postponed due to a snow storm that is supposed to hit that day. I guess the biggest problem with that is the guesswork involved because everyone needs 24-hours’ notice and I don’t think it’s really possible to completely accurately predict by 6:00 pm Wednesday evening if at 6:00 Thursday evening the roads are going to be bad. Don’t envy Mr. Pitney’s position on that one. I do kind of hope it is postponed because that will certainly give Diana Chunn time to get everything recorded for Cedric which will allow him to cross over at the Blue & Gold rather than waiting until May.
Tonight I have a childbirth education class. While Paul is of the opinion that if after 8 children I don’t know how to give birth then maybe I should consider another occupation, I am looking forward to the class. I love the instructor and I like my fellow doulas. And I love pregnant bellies. I just don’t care for the hospital. We also have missionaries for supper. I’m not sure yet what I’m going to feed them but I’d like for it to be nice because it’s Elder Stoa’s last meal with us as he’s leaving Friday. Maybe pork chops and fried rice with broccoli. I don’t know. I’ll go check the freezers when I’m done here and take out something that won’t require a terribly long thawing-out time.
Laura seems to be doing well. She had two jobs for two days and then the second one let her go. I’m not sure I agree with the decision but it wasn’t mine to make. She said yesterday she had just gotten a call from the Provo O’Reilly’s which I guess is an auto parts store. She’s off today and is going to call and see about scheduling an interview. She also has a guy in her life. His name is Daven and you really should talk to her for more info on that. I could really use her for a week or two moving things around here but in the meantime, I guess she has her own life to live even if it isn’t much of a life living with a bunch of girls in a college city working all the time. You know, just my take on things.
I think this is going to be it for today. As of whenever I get the number written, you’ve gotten 953 words and quite frankly, that’s enough for now. Especially since I think I want to write more words later about a different topic. But that will have to wait until the house is relatively people free and I’ve folded a bit of laundry and have fed the goats.

Have a splendiferous day!

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