Monday, February 10, 2014

Only Half

Good morning! I was overcome this morning by the desire to eat an apple. So, I am eating one as I type. Just to let you know, you know?
Kitty and Seth hanging out before the bus came.

My mother did get home safely. I found her on Facebook Saturday and she said that she got home to frozen pipes. Not fun. However, with a heater, they quickly (relatively speaking, of course) were unfrozen and now everything is cool. Literally. That’s why she had frozen pipes to begin with. So now it’s cool but the pipes are no longer frozen. Unless, of course, they have refrozen.
Kitty is a shoulder cat.

Saturday morning the Tiger Scouts came over for a scavenger hunt in the woods. That was interesting. Cedric and Seth went too and Seth went without snow boots. I just don’t know about that boy sometimes. After the hike we had hot chocolate that Roger didn’t like and muffins that the Brinker’s brought and cookies that Amena made while we were outside.
A bunny trail.

I spent most of the afternoon hoping that the women who were in labor would have their babies so I could stay home and sleep Saturday night. I did everything in my power to make it happen by getting as ready as I possibly could. Alas, it was to no avail. There were women in labor still when I called so I got dressed and went. What an interesting night it was. Previously formed opinions about people were changed, new people were met, different philosophies of birth were encountered. I would love to tell you more about it but I’m afraid that part will have to wait a few years.
Some boys: Roger, Cedric, Joseph, Seth behind Joseph, Jamison.

I got home not long after 7:00 and fed animals. Then I took a shower and got ready for our YW presidency meeting. I woke Amena up and told her to help Joseph and Seth, Joseph especially, find clothes and be ready. Then Cedric and I took off. My plan was to stay for my meeting, for Sacrament meeting, and my meeting with a member of the bishopric and then go home and sleep. My plan worked until I got home. I cooked instead because I didn’t feel like eating bean soup.
When everyone got home and we had eaten, I went to bed. I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to sleep because I haven’t had the best luck sleeping when it’s light outside but I was in bed around 2:30 and must have fallen asleep because I woke up around 6:00. The boys were watching August Rush so I finished it with them. Paul got home from home teaching the Fullers. We did prayer and scriptures. The boys went to bed. Paul watched a couple episodes of Gomer Pyle (or is it Pile?) and went upstairs. I wanted to get some knitting done and did two rows and then went to bed.
And today. Well, now, that’s a blank slate. So many things to do.

Have a great day!

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