Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Good morning! It is a very pretty day outside. Earlier it was beautiful with the snow covering everything and the sun shining. Now the clouds have come back but it is still very pretty. The snow storm that was supposed to start early and last late ended up dumping about six inches of snow but started late and ended early. I love winter. Winter is supposed to be like this: a storm, clean up, a storm, clean up, a storm, clean up. Oh, yeah! I love this stuff.
Yesterday since I did get to work on the shawl Monday was going to be my work on the shawl day. It ended up not. Other than cooking and other domestic chores, I can’t think of anything terribly exciting that I did except proofreading for Laura; that’s always kind of fun. Anyway, I didn’t get any knitting done until after dinner and the resultant mess had been cleaned up and we had done prayer and scriptures and the boys were in bed. Then, I determined that I had to get at least one row done. Well, I got half a row done. I actually finished the row to the last four stitches and realized I’d made a mistake in the second half so I attempted to find the mistake and was not able to. I therefore decided to just take out the second half and redo it, hoping that the mistake was done away with and that I didn’t make any more. I went to bed before finishing the undoing and after reading for about 10  minutes couldn’t stay awake.
This morning Cedric wanted rolled oats so we all had rolled oats (with the exception of Paul who I don’t think ate and therefore is going to be grumpy when he gets back from plowing Ray’s). Kitty and Scooter were fed. I went to feed the goats and saw a wonderful pile of snow in the way; I couldn’t even reach their water bucket. So I set down the bucket of grain and kitchen scraps and pitcher of water and went back in the house, down to the basement, out the door with the shovel, and shoveled the path to the goats. I gave them their water as soon as I got that far and their grain when I got that far. I didn’t have to tip the bale of hay over today to get at the easier stuff which was nice because the walkway between the hay and the stuff by the door gets narrower each time I tip it over.
Once goats were fed and watered, I decided it was time to fix my knitting mistake. I did and now I am done with that row. Between undoing and finishing, I called Verizon.
What fun that was. I think I spent about 30 minutes on the phone only to find out that because, and I should have realized this, I used the upgrade from Laura’s old number, it isn’t due now for an upgrade for two years and I would have to pay a $250 disconnect fee. Well, isn’t that just peachy? So, I can either move the upgrade from my mother’s phone, which is due now, or move the one from my phone, which is due in September, and remove Laura’s old line today or in September.  It all depends on what I hear from my mother. I’m not looking forward to another call to Verizon but at least I can waste time on Facebook again if I do call.
This evening the Young Men and Young Women are going to Fitchburg to clean a Catholic church. I think that will be cool in spite of the fact I’m not sure how many of us will be going. I was just going to take all the boys because there won’t be anyone home to watch Seth and Joseph while I’m gone with Cedric and Amena. However, Cedric has a fever and I’m thinking he ought to stay home. I know Joanna works this evening and won’t be able to stay home with anyone. I’m not entirely sure yet if Paul is going to go to work or work from home today. If he works from home, I can leave the boys home with him and just Amena and I will go. If he doesn’t work from home, I might just have Amena go with someone else. I know that Cedric is 12 now but anyone who really knows Cedric also knows that he really needs someone else at home with him; I’d like to have a house when I get home.

Other than all of that, I am going to knit today because I really do want to get some sewing done and I want to get the kitting done first because if I don’t, it might get put on permanent hold and I really want to avoid that because I have too many other projects in that state of being; or unbeing. Soooooo, have a terrific day!
PS This is my 400th post!

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