Friday, February 21, 2014


Good morning! Yesterday morning it was beautiful outside. Today it isn’t so because yesterday we had ridiculously warm temperatures (in the 40’s for crying out loud!!!) that melted the top layer of snow and revealed the ugly brown stuff that had been plowed up. YUCK. Did I say yuck?
I had to take Joanna to work in the morning at 7:30 and then I had to go pick Amena up from Trivett’s at 9:00. When I was on my way home from dropping Joanna off, the roads were still pretty slushy and the turn onto Pitcherville Road was somewhat slick. When I was on the way back from picking Amena up, it was not as bad. When I went to pick Joanna up at 3:30ish, the roads were mostly clear. Even parts of Pitcherville were clear. Joanna had to go to school at 6:00. I decided to let her drive herself because Amena had Rachel and Sarah coming over and because the car was getting low in gas and I didn’t want to use more than we had to.
At some point after Joanna left, Sarah and Rachel arrived, and the time Paul got home just a few minutes before Joanna, I looked outside and the ground was white again. Then by the time Paul got home, it had turned to rain so it was slush. Yucky, man! It’s still winter.
I think today is supposed to be warm again. Yuck. It’s still winter.
In other news, Cedric feels much better. He was better yesterday but content to sit/lay on the couch all day. Today he’s been up and about more already than he was all day yesterday.
Right now we have a house full of sleepy people in spite of the fact that the boys and I are awake at the table and Paul is awake in the shower. There are three sleeping girls in the living room and a sleepy Zak and a sleepy Joanna. I only had to tell the girls once to be quiet. It is true that I could have told them again but I didn’t feel like getting up so I didn’t. Once I was ready to sleep, I slept, and I don’t know if they continued making noise or not. Seth told me that they woke him up at some point.
Today is Friday. I am glad. I thought for a while yesterday that yesterday was Friday and I wasn’t ready for that so I’m glad that today is Friday. Amena has been invited to a birthday party in Hardwick this afternoon/evening so I’ll be going there to get her there by 2:00. It’s over at 8:00 but I want to be able to go out with Paul so I’m going to pick her up early unless she can make other arrangements.

And that is all for now. Have a fantastic day!

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