Thursday, February 20, 2014

Quiet Day

Good morning! It is a beautiful sunny day out this morning. However, it is supposed to get up into the 40’s and that is going to mean melting. That means sloppy mess and that means yuck.
The service activity we were going to do last night was postponed to next week due to snow. The roads in Fitchburg were really bad I guess and the church we were going to clean was not comfortable with asking people to be out. Since the roads should have been better by 7:00, it was decided to have mutual as usual.
I left Cedric and Joseph home watching NCIS and took Seth and Amena. I was hoping that there would be another YW leader there so that I could go home and be with my sick child. I was out of luck with that one. Because we were watching a movie, I really wanted to start on time but that didn’t happen. In spite of the fact that Amena and I were early, we got started late. Jerusha Peterman arrived very late and I thought, “Yay! I can go home!” But those thoughts were quickly dashed because she said that the roads were horrible and there was freezing rain; she was going to find the bishop and tell him about the roads, make sure that Megan, Christina, and Shawn had a ride home, and go home. She did. In the meantime, Diana Chunn arrived with popcorn. She said the roads were slushy but not bad.
Anyway, the decision to go home early was made and after watching less than half of Despicable Me 2, we left. We were home by 8:30, the boys were in bed by 9:00. Amena spent the night at the Trivett’s and I had to go pick Joanna up at 9:30. Quite frankly, I think I would have rathered just to stay home.
In the mail yesterday I received an unexpected package. I saw that it was for me and thought that it must be the movie I’d ordered so I began opening it. There was a lot of bubble wrap and then three objects wrapped up carefully. Christmas ornaments that I painted many years ago. Try 34 years and three months ago. What a lovely surprise! Thank-you, Auntie Deb! I actually remember painting them.

I don’t have anything else of great import to report.

Have a great day!

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