Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cloudy Tuesday

Good morning. I am not yet ready to pronounce this day good (or not). Before I remembered that we had a full moon on the third, I looked up a full moon calendar for this year. It hasn’t been that bad but I just thought I’d check to see if I can expect it to get worse. Interestingly though, guess when the next one is?

While were on guessing games, you may recall that I said the frogs eat watermelon. Obviously that isn’t true. Someone told Cedric that they eat watermelon and corn and it just sounded kind of ridiculous. The more I thought about it, the more absurd it seemed. I mean, think about it: what do frogs eat? Insects. They are carnivorous, not herbivorous. What should that tell a person? Maybe that they eat meat, not fruits and vegetables? After all, they have at most rudimentary cone teeth and only on their upper jaw (if I remember correctly).  In any case, if someone tries to tell you that frogs eat watermelon, you can rest assured that they, in fact, do not.

Most of yesterday morning after breakfast I spent in front of the screen house planting plants (what an odd concept, don’t you think—planting plants?). Some of them I had bought (cilantro, garden sage, lavender, apple mint, lemon thyme, chocolate mint, rosemary and basil) and some of them that were given to us (by some woman who was giving things away in Sturbridge [I think]—Paul’s friend Fred picked them up and brought them here) or that I went and picked up (from another woman who was cleaning up her yard in Athol). I know I got some bleeding heart from Athol and some lilies but the others I’m not sure what they are without looking them up and I haven’t done that yet. There was some evening primrose but it may not have survived because it took me so long to get it planted. Some cone flowers as well but at least I got some of them planted along the stone wall at the end of the driveway.

The afternoon was mostly spent finding pictures for Cedric and Seth birthday stories. I posted Cedric’s yesterday (http://www.mywindingroadtomidwifery.blogspot.com/2012/07/cedrics-birthday.html) and Seth’s is ready to go. In fact, I might just do that right now. Here it is: http://mywindingroadtomidwifery.blogspot.com/. At first I wasn’t finding any for Cedric but at the very bottom of the tote with pictures were a couple envelopes of mostly Cedric. I was also looking for Joseph pictures but didn’t find many. Only one envelope of them and they aren’t dated. Becky, if you know the date of the baby shower we had for Joseph, let me know.

I also spent some time perusing my journals for entries leading up to Joseph’s birth. I have a dead area there—one entry in November ends mid-sentence and the next entry is the July before Joseph was born. I think I might find the missing months on a computer but haven’t taken the time to look yet. The account of his birth was long enough to contribute to a longer story than any of his older brothers or sisters as it is. Not to mention I’m not sure I really want to read all of that—things were getting pretty bad by then and reading about it probably raises my blood pressure.

Yesterday was a pretty good day temperature and weather wise. It was in the high 70’s or low 80’s and the humidity wasn’t too awful. Last night we had a little thunder storm and more rain than the previous night. The night before only barely got the surface of the garden wet; last night went down a little farther—not far enough, but father (enough to make the rhododendron in front of the screen house perk up). It was kind of funny because Joseph sometimes comes to bed with us. Last night he came in about midnight and said, “I saw a flashing light outside.”

“That’s lightening,” I told him.


That was too early for him to come to bed so I sent him to the bathroom and told him he could come back later which he did. He likes to snuggle right up against me so once he’s in bed, I don’t generally move a whole lot. That wouldn’t be too bad but if I don’t move during the night, my back tends to hurt in the morning (and not the part that was broken); not being a big fan of pain, I don’t like that and try to avoid it.

Thus far today, the flowers on the front steps have been moved for the day as well as the Jetta and the truck so that a goat (happens that Goldilocks is the lucky one) can eat all the vines and yummy stuff in front of the house. Amena, Cedric, Seth and Joseph are playing in and around the big tree by the screen house which is good because they can keep an eye on Goldilocks to make sure she stays out of trouble (such as eating things she ought not to).

We had black and blue berry muffins for breakfast although they didn’t get done until after Paul had left for work. He took Laura with him because they needed someone else to work today. Paul works in sales along with Walter Cyr who is also a masseuse and Blair who is the inventor and owner of the company. There are a couple of guys who work ‘in back’ who build or put together the systems. That is where they needed someone else to work. I think it’s an easy way to earn some money. They need an office manager as well who can deal with cash flow (hey mom—want a job? Even just part time?) because Blair is awful at that. I would volunteer if I had either more education in that area (which I’m working on) or more experience.

Joanna works at 11:00 today so she’ll be leaving fairly shortly. And that’s about that.

Have a spectacular day!

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