Sunday, July 29, 2012

Reflective Sunday

Last year at this time, we were going crazy getting ready to leave the next day on our trip across the country. It is amazing what a year can do. A friend and her two children recently left on a similar adventure and other people we know have made cross country trips. If I didn’t know better or if I were a more negative person, I might say, “Why us?” The correct response would be, “Why not us?” Things happen for a reason even if we don’t know the reason.

Last night, I was having an IM conversation via Facebook with Nick. He said, “I remember the winter camp out. Hyrum, Jared and I got rid of Drayton so we could visit Daniel.”

"Really?” I asked. “How did that go?”

“It was pretty nice; we just sat in the dark and prayed a little bit and talked about some of the stuff we remember about Daniel. The favorite of all our memories (the one we all remembered) was at scout camp when he climbed the tree and I laughed and told him I could climb higher and pulled down the tree and pulled myself up the tree on the ground we thought it was funny.”

Makes my heart warm and my eyes wet. To me, it is important that we are not the only ones who miss Daniel. I think of people in our family who have passed, my dad, Papa, Robert Lee, Uncle Mick, Daniel, and we can go farther back if we’d like to Grandma and Grandpa Roper, Grandma and Grandpa Lamberger, Gammy, Grandpa Thompson. . . They were all known and loved and are remembered. I love hearing stories about Daniel. I love talking about Daniel. I am so glad he is part of our family.

So, yesterday morning I worked on Daniel’s grave site. I came up to the house for something, I don’t remember what at the moment, and saw that it was 11:15. Since it was so late, I got lunch fixed for children (PB&Js) and had some macaroni salad before going back down. To make things quicker this morning for me, you can read about it at Grandma, I plan on printing out all of these things that have pictures and mailing them to you so you can see them as well. Might be a good project for this afternoon.

We got some pretty good rain yesterday afternoon. It was very nice. It was sprinkling when we did the goats this morning as well. Right now the goats should be out but Joanna is taking forever to get up.

I think Paul may still be in bed as well unless he snuck into the shower. Laura is making chili beans and Amena is in the kitchen doing something, I’m not sure what. Cedric is washing his dishes. Seth and Joseph are sitting at the table. Seth is eating and Joseph is playing. I need to get in the shower so I will bid you adieu.

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