Monday, January 13, 2014

Another Weekend in Review

Good morning! I woke up at 5:00 to get Amena and possibly Cedric up. I was somewhat doubtful that Amena would actually get up but she did. Cedric decided to opt for getting up at 6:00. No worries there; he really has no need to get up at 5:00. I went back to bed like I did all week last week but this morning there was no restful slumber for me; just thoughts and memories keeping me wide awake. So, I got up, got dressed and came downstairs. Scooter went outside to do her duty and came in for her breakfast which she hasn’t touched. Kitty came in long enough for me to get her breakfast ready and went back out to eat it. I put dishes away and was going to wash dirty ones but the water was still filtering and so there was not much pressure. I will probably try again in a bit probably after I get a lunch together for Amena.
I got them on, Becky. A bit hard to get off. BUT, they don't slip around when I'm in bed.

Yesterday was a good day. Not as typical as a Sunday might be but not bad. I did have a YW presidency meeting yesterday at 8:45 and everyone was there pretty close to on time which was very nice. We covered everything that we needed to and were done in plenty of time to get in for Sacrament meeting. We did decide to have future meetings on the first Sunday of the month. Well, not really; we decided to have them on Fast Sunday which does not always fall on the first in the case of Stake and General Conferences. In February, for example, we are having Stake Conference on the first weekend so Fast Sunday will be the 9th.
Stake Conference really is not at a good time this time. We have a youth temple trip on Friday, January 31st. On Saturday, we have the Polar Bear Derby which in the past has run from something like 8:00 in the morning until 3:00 or so in the afternoon. There is also a Fitchburg State University hockey game which Hubbardston has been invited to do a flag ceremony for. There are meetings in Ludlow that I should be there for at 2:00 I think and then one at 4:00 for everyone 12 and up. I really don’t understand the 12 and up meetings because that leaves no one home to watch the younger children. I’m not sure what we’ll do yet. Paul seems to think that the Polar Bear Derby should take precedence because the boys have always enjoyed it in the past. They may have but their mother hasn’t always and she’s always been the one who takes them. I think I wouldn’t be opposed to going until noon or something and then going away for meetings the rest of the day. Sunday is Scout Sunday and I’m wondering how it will be since it is also Stake Conference. I want the boys to get their patches for wearing their uniforms but how many other boys will be wearing theirs to Conference? I don’t know. We’ll see how it all goes.
In order to get to church yesterday with one vehicle, I took Jessica and Cedric with me and everyone else got a ride with the Fullers. That worked out pretty well. On the way home, Paul, Seth and Joseph went with the Fullers and I had Jessica, Amena and Cedric. That would have been fine if Amena and Cedric hadn’t decided to be difficult. Cedric got in one side and slid over to the other. Amena wanted him to scoot over to the side he’d gotten in. There are two things about the situation that neither one seems to understand. One, when you walk to one side of the car, everyone else has every reason to believe that you are going to sit on that side. Therefore, they act accordingly and walk to the other side in order to get in there. Two, if Amena had not made a big stink about it but had gone to the other side and just gotten in, the wind in Cedric’s sails would have been gone and there would have been no issue. However, Cedric often does what one would not expect and Amena never gives in without a fight.
It is now 6:00 and time to get Cedric up and lunches made. I will be back. Most likely.
It’s almost an hour later. Cedric is ready to go other than putting his lunch in a bag. Seth needs to wash his dishes and get dressed and put his lunch in a bag. Joseph needs to finish eating, wash his dishes, and get dressed. If these boys would return their lunch bags, it would sure be nice. Joseph does regularly. Seth and Cedric, not so much.
After church we had a late lunch. So late I think we should call it dinner. We had stake and baked potatoes and frijoles negros and corn that Paul cooked with sautéed peppers and onions. Paul being Paul, he wanted cake before opening presents so we had ice-cream snow-men cakes and then opened presents. He got a mine craft picture from Joseph that he is going to take to work and put on the wall. Amena gave him a box of M&Ms. I gave him an gift card at the bottom of a box of individually wrapped pieces of a belly dancing costume. Making the costume was a lot of fun and it was definitely worth a few laughs.
Joseph wearing the belly dancing costume.

Cedric had a priesthood preview at the bishop’s house at 5:00 so he and Paul went to that. They got brownies and lemonade which sounds pretty good to me.
Saturday, Amena and I went to Leominster to the mall so she could use the gift cards she got for her birthday. She got a pair of pants and I think four shirts. We went to Joann’s but didn’t find a pattern that she particularly liked so we left and went to Walmart on the way home. I took her to the triplets’ house to spend the night. They’ve been going to the church their mom and Ken go to regularly so they were able to drop Amena off sometime around 8:30 on their way by.
I got the invitations done for New Beginnings so that I could give them to the girls who were at church on Sunday. I printed 12 and gave out 12. I should have had 13 but I guess it’s okay the way it turned out. I would like to take a Beehive with me to personally deliver two of the invitations to Beehive age girls in Gardner and Templeton. I’d really like the Beehive advisor, councilor and class president to deliver them but we don’t have an advisor, our councilor doesn’t drive, and we are between presidents at the moment. So, I think I’ll pick the nearest Beehive and go sometime when she can.

In the meantime, have a splendiferous day!

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