Monday, January 6, 2014

Sunday in Review

Good morning! It’s a bit foggy and wet outside but Amena didn’t miss the bus and the boys are well on their way to being ready to go so it’s a good one.
Yesterday Jessica, Cedric and I left early for church and no one was there and I forgot my keys. Jessica looked at her calendar and discovered that our presidency meeting was actually scheduled for next Sunday, the 12th, and not yesterday, the 5th. I’m still not sure how I missed that. I haven’t looked yet but it would be funny if I actually wrote it down on the 5th rather than the 12th. At any rate, we were early and Diana Chunn was as well. I did learn that because she arrived at 8:58 and the meeting was scheduled for 8:45 that we need to say that it is starting at 8:30 in order to get her there on time for the meeting.
Once we got inside the church, Jess decided that she needed to use the restroom and did so. She discovered that there was no water in either of the sinks and reported it to the bishop. As it turns out, there was no water anywhere in the building (except what was already in the toilets). Due to this set of circumstances, we only had Sacrament Meeting and then went home. That was okay but it really throws my whole schedule for the day out of whack. Cedric did at least get sustained and ordained so that was good.
For lunch we had ham with mashed potatoes and gravy, beets and corn. Paul had some pie for dessert. It is an four-berry apple pie which sounds really good but the crust looks disgustingly thick and I doubt from trying the apple and blueberry pies he brought home that I would like it. The apples in the apple pie were in huge chunks (think apples cut into eighths) and they were hard. The blueberries were nice and small which I like more than the gargantuan ones for pies but the filling was too sweet and otherwise bland. The apple filling was as well. I really have a hard time understanding how anyone can eat that and think it is good.
After we ate, Joanna got ready for work and Zak got ready to leave. Joanna doesn’t usually work on Sunday but one of the servers who usually gets the most hours fell and broke her arm and is going to be out for at least six to eight weeks. I guess someone else is out as well so people have to pick up the hours. Paul and Seth went out looking for discarded Christmas trees for the goats and Joanna got called in an hour early to work so I took her to work. We saw Paul and Seth on their way home with a truck full of trees. They were driving along the side of the road with lights flashing though so I kind of wondered what was up. When I got back, Paul was at the end of the driveway looking at something under the truck. He left though, so I didn’t know what he was looking at.
When Paul got home, he said that the drive shaft went which I guess means a u-joint went. He managed to limp to Ray’s and Ray brought him back. They got a new battery in the green car and jumped the van although it still has whatever problem it had. Ray looked at the Jetta and it was discovered that it needs a new starter. I guess there is a copper wire that connects it to the engine or whatever and it is supposed to be covered with plastic. The plastic is completely missing and the wire is not attached to whatever it’s supposed to be. In other words, a new battery would not make the Jetta go. In other words, the green car is really the only one we have that will go so it’s a good thing Joanna didn’t pick up a shift today because I wouldn’t be able to get her to work.
We did Family Home Evening and I sent Seth and Joseph to bed at 7:00. Their behavior indicated that they needed to go to bed even though they didn’t want to. Cedric had taken a nap. He was half lying on the table while he was eating so I told him if he was that tired, he could go take a nap; he did. He still had a few bites of mashed potatoes left but I figured he could eat them when he got up. He got up while Paul and Ray were out looking at vehicles and ate his potatoes as well as an orange and some chips and dip. Because Cedric had had a nap, he wasn’t really quite ready for bed so I let him stay up to read until 8:15 at which time he was sent off to bed.
Amena was working on homework (it’s amazing that they had two weeks in which to get this reading and homework done and they procrastinated until Sunday after 6:00 pm) and I was reading waiting for Joanna to call so I could pick her up. She was supposed to be off at 9:00 so we figured she’d be ready to go close to 10:00. She actually called close to 9:00 so I went and got her. Jessica was back but was sitting out in the car with Ryan. She was in when we got back and Amena was still working on her homework but she was about done. I wanted to finish the book I was reading, Spiritual Midwifery, but didn’t want to be rude while people were still up and talking so I was patient and I did finish.
This morning I got up at 5:00 to wake Cedric up so he could read more (he currently has a chapter and a half of the book he needed to read) and Amena so she could just get ready. That was fun. I made sure they were both actually getting up and went back to bed until 6:00. Cedric was in the living room eating and had already had some breakfast. Amena was just coming out of her room. I fed Kitty and got Amena a lunch ready. Amena ate some breakfast (one of the advantages to getting up early enough!). I got ready to take grain and water out to the goats. Amena was walking to the bus as I was walking to the goats. I told her to be careful because it was slippery, especially in front of the Jetta. I took another step and WHAM! landed on my back. I decided I’d go through the basement. Then I decided that they were only getting the one pitcher of water and grain for now because I was very wet.

And there you have it—our Sunday in review. Have a spectacular day!

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