Thursday, January 30, 2014


Good morning! Bed sure does feel good some mornings. This was one of them. I went upstairs after I’d gotten up and put Amena’s lunch together because I heard something that sounded like an alarm. I didn’t think it was mine but went up to check anyway. My phone was under my pillow and it was so warm and inviting; it would have been very easy to get back in. I don’t know what was making the noise because there were no alarms going off.
Yesterday was a Wednesday. The morning was very low key with just some dishes, visiting with my mom, and getting ready for Mutual. The afternoon was a bit more intense. I made up five scenarios for service for the young men and women to act out and came up with thirty service-oriented questions for a Jeopardy-type game. I was just about done with all that when boys got home and then it was time to take Joseph to scouts which consisted of a trip to Gardner News. It was pretty cool. We had to stop at Staples to get some things for Young Women and then we were home. With Grandma’s help gluing, I got everything finished up for Mutual and then it was time to get everyone fed so that we could drop Seth off for scouts at the Pitney’s and then get me, Amena, and Cedric to church. Joseph got to stay home with Grandma.
I think the service scenarios went fairly well. The game went well other than the fact I left my paper with all the answers at home somewhere. When we left, I noticed the Jetta parked next to the green car and there was a box of stuff from Aldi’s in Joseph’s booster seat. Then I remembered Paul had a meeting at church at 7:30.
We got home and everything proceeded fairly much like it usually does on a Wednesday night when I don’t have to take everyone with me to church. Then Paul got home and searched through an expanding folder he had and gave me two applications for scouts. He said they are for Joseph and Seth for church and that they need to be filled out today and given to Dana Armstrong. Really? Joseph is still just seven and church doesn’t do Tiger Scouts so I wouldn’t think he can be signed up at church until he turns 8. Cedric can do church scouts now because he’s Boy Scout age and that’s what I’d planned on. Seth I would kind of just like to leave be for now because we’ve vacillated so much already. I do want there to be scouts at church, but I also want it to be cohesive and of value to the boys. If it’s up to us to save the charter, I don’t know if it will work.
In other news, I guess I complain too much about some things. And some people have a tendency to exaggerate. And today my mom and I are going to Webs.

Have a great day!

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