Friday, January 3, 2014


Good morning! I just now realized that I forgot to say Happy Birthday!!! to my most favorite Auntie Deb. Sorry. I hope you had a good one.
It is a beautiful day outside here. Cold, but beautiful. When I looked it was a whopping 3°F here. But, it is white and there are tiny flakes floating around in the air. I think if it were a bit warmer, we’d’ve had more accumulation and our tiny flakes would be somewhat larger. It has also been somewhat windy so the roof of the screen house has relatively little snow on it and there are drifts all over the place—especially around the van and the truck.
Taken at 8:32 this morning.

Joseph is eating his breakfast. He just finished an egg and has another piece of toast. I think he ought not to have taken the second piece but, as is often the case, the eyes are bigger than the belly. Seth would eat two pieces of toast but didn’t want an egg. He really didn’t want to eat at all but I told him it was too cold outside to go out without eating something. Not completely logical, perhaps, but it did the trick.
Paul mentioned not plowing today but waiting until tomorrow. That would be great if not for the possibility of Joanna having to go to work this morning. She ended up not going yesterday because it was so slow due to the snow. Zak was here and he ended up not going for the same reason. I would also like to get Amena’s birthday party out of the way tonight and that won’t happen if the driveway isn’t plowed. I suppose we could plan on another time; we are going to have to do that or completely cancel her church friend party from last night.
The hot water is frozen to the kitchen. I put a heater downstairs to thaw it out but so far it’s still frozen. I had to shovel a path out to the goats which wasn’t hard because the snow is light and fluffy. Goats being goats, they, particularly Snowflake, stood in the way when I was working on a path for them to get out and to their water. Silly creatures.
Last night I had to get up and use the bathroom (I was having dreams about it). I noticed that the light was on in the boys’ room so I went to investigate. Cedric was not in bed but there was a pile of stuffed animals on his bed and there was a broom and everything was swept into the middle of the room. I went downstairs and there he and Amena were on the couch watching something. It only had six or seven minutes left according to Amena so I told them they’d both better get to bed when it was done.
Later, Joseph came to get in bed with me and said that Cedric was cleaning the room. I went to investigate and sure enough, the light in the boys’ room was on and Cedric was cleaning. He had all the dirty clothes taken care of, four or five bags of trash, and a pile of Legos in the middle of the floor. I told him to go to bed. He asked if he could put the Legos away and I told him that could wait until morning (technically, it was morning but I wasn’t going to point that out).  He’s still asleep right now. I told him he should come eat some toast and he said he was really tired. Imagine that.
In other news from yesterday, not much happened. I did a little laundry and a little cleaning. The dining room is in my sights for today, as well as the counter in the kitchen. And more laundry. Drying clothes really helps warm up the house which is a good thing, especially when it’s as cold as it is out today.

Julia and I were going to go visiting teaching this afternoon. I’m not sure that is going to happen. We shall see. In the meantime, have a splendid day!

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