Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Little (?) Rant

Good afternoon! It is a beautiful day outside and there is a rant inside me waiting to come out but I want to tell you about yesterday first.
Bethany Price took me to Agawam to pick up the bug. We had a nice drive down but when I picked Laura’s GPS up out of the door bucket (or whatever you call the thing at the bottom of the door where you put stuff) the adapter for it came off only I didn’t realize it had come off, I thought it had been left at home. Yikes! So I used my phone which I don’t like to do since Verizon took Navigator off (I still have Verizon Navigator but it costs money to use more than the simple directions). Anyway, I used my phone because I wanted to get there. But, we missed the exit off of 90 so we took the next one and while we were taking the long route, my battery was getting very low so I kept turning Navigation off to save the battery. We finally got there and it only took half an hour longer than it should have and I got to drive the bug home.
I said I might be in a Def Leppard mood and I was. Journey was in and definitely was not what I wanted to listen to. I put in Vault and it hit the spot, so to speak. More about that on my Daniel blog as soon as I get to it after this. I wasn’t able to speed because I kept getting stuck behind vehicles that were only going the speed limit. That might have been a blessing in disguise, I don’t know. I do know that on 202, there was a car pulled over with a police officer going through the car and another standing with the occupants of it. A few miles north, another law enforcement vehicle was on its way in that direction. I don’t know if it was going to that particular spot, but it could have been.
The afternoon was fairly uneventful. Joanna was on my lap top pretty much all day because she had a ton of math to do. She worked all day Friday and all day Saturday and so Monday she had to get caught up. I was kind of going through withdrawals because I was only able to check my email and Facebook twice; once in the morning and once before I went to bed. That really is okay; I think we’re far too dependent upon electronics.
There was a bit of excitement, if you can call it exciting. Seth told me that he got in trouble because Logan (the boy next door) told someone that he, Seth, flipped him, Logan, off. Not bloody likely. What I found out is that Logan, who is a 6th grader, doesn’t sit in the back of the bus like most 6th graders. Seth is in 4th grade. Cedric told me that Seth and Logan often sit together and Seth plays with Logan’s iPad. Joseph told me that Seth did NOT flip Logan off. I told Seth that I was going to call the principal today and talk to her because I’m sick of the whole bus thing.
I called. I found out that Logan’s father reported to the police Friday that Logan has been repeatedly bullied, kicked, hit and bit, by children who live on the same street. I told her that Seth has never done any of those things but Cedric did bite him once. He did. I’m not going to lie. I wish I’d have been doing this blog when it happened about three years ago but I wasn’t and I may or may not have written about it in my journal. After that point, the boys were not allowed to go to Logan’s and Logan is not allowed here. After that point, I collected all of the toys that Logan had brought over here and left and returned them to his grandparents’ home. This included a bicycle that Logan had left over here and then accused Cedric of stealing it. I told her that Logan’s grandfather came over here while I was gone with Cedric at soccer practice and yelled at Amena Friday and perhaps I should call the police and report that. I know what the problem was with that—Seth took to school a Halo MegaBlok figure (that he was not supposed to take to school) and Logan saw it and said it was his. According to what Logan said, Seth was taunting Logan saying that Seth had a bunch of Logan’s toys and that he’d been playing with them. Maybe Seth did taunt him. Logan is an easy kid to bully. I’m sorry to say that, but it is true. When he was told by Paul or myself to go home because the boys needed to eat, he would say, “I’ll wait.” We often had to tell him multiple times to go home and we often still saw him wandering around in the yard while we were sitting at the table eating.
It seems that Seth has been in trouble on the bus before and this is his last warning. If anything happens again, he will be on a three-day bus suspension. I’m thinking about putting him on one myself. I do not want him near Logan. I do not want Logan near him. I do not want any of my boys near Logan or Logan near any of my boys. I do not want any angry grandparents coming over here yelling at my 13-year-old daughter. I do not want to hear about any police reports that have to do with things that happened three years ago. And for goodness sake, how is my 4th-grade child successfully bullying a 6th-grader to such a degree that it has to be taken to the police. Seriously?
I will end that for now. You probably don’t want to hear my opinions about bullying right now anyway.
Currently, it is quiet. The washing machine and dryer have stopped so all I hear are a couple of dogs snoring and the refrigerator that just went on and the clock ticking. And my fingers hitting the keys of the keyboard. Which I have to admit I am probably overdoing because my blood is still boiling a bit from the whole Logan issue. If I sit quietly, I can also hear the wind in the leaves outside and that is a nice thing. It reminds me that autumn is here and it is beautiful outside and such a lovely day should not be sullied by unpleasant things.

With that, I hope the rest of your day is absolutely spectacular!

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