Sunday, September 1, 2013


Good morning!
Yesterday was a fairly uneventful day. Paul split some wood, Amena, Cedric, Seth and Joseph stacked it. Paul mowed some grass but then encountered some mechanical difficulties causing me to wonder at what point do you give up on the old and get a new or at least newer. Laura and Joanna went to work. Amena and Cedric went out with Paul because Amena needed new gym shoes and Cedric wanted some new shirts. They came home with clothes but no shoes because they only went to Salvation Army and there weren’t any shoes that would work. Paul insists that the shoes he used (which there were some of) are good enough. In spite of the fact that he and millions of kids used them, they are no longer acceptable. So, a trip somewhere to get her something tomorrow is in store. Yay. Hear my excitement.
Seth wasn't happy to have Joseph in the picture,too.
The kitten was much loved. She was loved to the point of children almost getting in trouble because they could take her for a walk but not do work. Not good. She is awfully cute. She was on the swing set/fort thing that is between the house and the wood while wood was being stacked playing and napping. Children don’t understand that kittens need to sleep much of the time. She is still young and does not need constant stimulation.
Pretty cute kitten. Cute child, too.
I spent much time sitting with my feet slightly elevated or reading on the bed. When I was up and about, I was moving. My ankles both looked almost normal this morning although the knots are still there and are still tender. While I was sitting, I was working on patterns for the boys. They are all traced and cut out. Joseph’s waistcoat needed to be lengthened because the waist was a good inch and a half above his and the armholes were too small. So, that was taken care of. I didn’t compare the pattern to him yet so that still needs to be done before actually cutting fabric. I would have started doing that yesterday but the humidity was awfully bad and life in the house was somewhat miserable without the fan above the table on and the fan messes with my tissue patterns and I just didn’t feel like dealing with that so I didn’t. Cutting out will wait until probably tomorrow or Tuesday.
And that’s about it for that.
I have had something on my mind however. (When do I not?) There has been much talk of racism lately in the news and this is what I have been thinking of. Mostly, we hear about white/black racism and mostly we hear about whites being racist toward blacks. Forgive me for not being politically correct but at my house, political correctness goes right out the window and into the manure pile. I don’t really think that white people are white any more than I think black people are black. I also don’t think calling people African-American or Korean-American or anything else does anyone justice either. You are either African OR American (you can be of African descent but that does NOT make you a hyphenated freak), you are either Korean OR American (you can be of Korean descent but that does NOT make you a hyphenated freak), etc., etc., etc.
With that out of the way, what about black racism toward whites? What about white racism against other whites? What about African racism toward other Africans (because THAT is what brought about the ‘slavery problem’ that we are STILL dealing with today)?
I know someone who works her tail off to create more equality for women and families ‘of color’ (and if that isn’t a work of political correctness, I don’t know what is because I have never ever met anyone who wasn’t some color—even albinos have blood for goodness sake). What about the Jew who is prejudice against Italians and the French? What about the Italian who is prejudice against anyone who isn’t Italian? What about...?
And what about this whole fallacious idea of white privilege? That’s a bunch of political tripe if I ever heard any. As bad as the ‘of color’ drivel. Someone please tell me how I am better than someone else just because I was born into a ‘white’ family. Come on! That is such a load of crap.
Anyway, enough for now. The hour grows late and I have children who need to learn that it isn’t the color of the skin, it’s what is in the brain and what we do with it that matters.

Have a peaceful day.

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