Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Busy Day Behind, Busy Day Ahead

Full moon from two nights ago (September 30, 2012).

This morning I made rolled oats for breakfast and told children if they wanted that, fine, if not, they were on their own. Cedric had some. Seth made some toast out of bread from the store. Joseph wanted homemade bread with butter. Noone could or would cut it for him until Joanna got home. Amena still hasn’t eaten and has only nine minutes until the bus is due to arrive. This is typical for her. She is finally downstairs but is still running out of time.
Waning moon from this morning when I was waiting for Joanna to come out.

Milking was milking this morning. Nothing unusual happened. When I was coming in, a bit of pink caught my eye to the east and we were having a beautiful sun rise. I hurried in, put everything down, grabbed my phone because the battery in the camera was about out of juice, and went outside. It was still pretty but not like it had been less than two minutes earlier.

Yesterday was yesterday. You already know about the adventures in the morning before Paul finally left for work. After that I had just a little time to get something done before leaving for class so I made hot chocolate and ate a bagel. Pretty exciting. I took some hot chocolate with me to class which was nice.

After class I didn’t have much other than school work to do. I took the second accounting test and did not do as well as I ought to have. I was looking in my planner for the calendar to figure out when a note was due and ran across the last prescription for Daniel’s glasses which caused an allergy attack and me to put the decimal in the wrong place four times for one of the problems. I still got an A but it was a low A (92.21) compared to the high A (99.17) from the first test. I also took the quiz for phlebotomy and got a 90. Why I am satisfied with that for phlebotomy and not the 92.21 for accounting I am not sure. I finally got my essay for English done and submitted. Before we turn it in to the professor, we are supposed to submit it to Safe Assign which lets us know how much of it we may have copied from other sources. It told me that 20% of mine was the same as other sources. This is funny because other than one sentence, "What was their involvement in the Harlem Renaissance?” everything I supposedly copied was sources and that one sentence seems pretty innocuous; anyone could come up with that. Even more comical is that Safe Assign says that some of what I supposedly copied, I got from Wikipedia. This is rather amusing because I did not look at Wikipedia until I was almost done with the essay and then I didn’t learn anything new and I certainly didn’t use it as a source. Noone in their right mind would. Get this though, the part I supposedly copied from Wikipedia is this: “24 September 2012.” Pretty cool, eh? A bloody date. Twice. Oye.

Other than that, I read some stuff (an outline and presentation) for marketing and read a chapter for phlebotomy. I started a chapter for marketing and sent everyone in my group an email because we have a group project to do this week and no one had volunteered to be the team leader so I did. It isn’t hard but it seems like people have a need to be told what to do. We did well on our last project and I don’t anticipate we should do less than that this time (in fact, we should do better). I begin filling out a paper to turn marketing into an honors component and emailed the professor about that. I am going to write up a marketing plan for Pam’s Soaps, Etc. Should be fun.

For supper we had left over lentils and rice with cheese. That was pretty good. After supper we did the usual stuff we usually do and then had popsicles. That was cool.

After supper I did more school work including most of what I mentioned already other the tests and writing of the essay. The submitting of it occurred after we ate.

On the agenda for today is making fudge if Joanna gets the dishes done. Also making banana bread because we have some overripe bananas to use and it makes really good snacks for the kiddos (especially when it’s in cool shapes which it will be). Tonight is class which should be interesting. We are supposed to get to draw on each other this week. I am looking forward to doing the draw but not being drawn. I didn’t get to practice on the mannequin last week because I left early as you  may recall for the Open House I ended up not attending. I did sort of practice on Laura by using the tourniquet and going through the motions of what would typically be done. And, of course, there is much homework to be done. Much reading. Reading for accounting, phlebotomy, marketing and English. Other than that, starting LearnSmart for accounting; picking a case study to do a peer review and working on my part of the group project for marketing; printing slides for phlebotomy; commenting on a couple of poems for English. Should be a fun-filled day.

Since I have so much fun stuff to do, I am going to leave you for now and wish you a wonderful day!

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