Thursday, October 11, 2012

Peace in the Middle East?

Good morning! Guess what today is? 10/11/12! That won’t happen again.

Have you ever wondered what people in the Middle East really think about the presence of the US military? We get gas from a place in Leominster operated by a man from Afghanistan. As Paul puts it, “His English is better than my Afghani,” but you have to pay attention when he speaks or you might not quite catch what he’s saying. Would you like to know what he thinks of the presence of the US military in his native country and our Commander-in-Chief and the chances for peace in the Middle East? He said that we had the opportunity to take care of the problem and didn’t so there isn’t likely going to be any peace. He said, “Obama,” and spat on the ground. Hard to mistake that. I thought it was rather interesting because we are fed a load of crap by our very biased media so all we ever hear is their version of what may or may not be the truth.

In other news, there are times I absolutely hate having dogs in the house. This morning, for example, when I came downstairs and discovered poop on the floor by the table and guess who gets to clean it up? It isn’t like they didn’t have the chance to out last night and it isn’t like they were let out any later than usual this morning. It may be due to the fact that Joanna got home from work at 12:30 this morning; they tend to get excited when someone arrives which often leads to the need of relief.

What an interesting day yesterday. School was fine. Jonathan texted me at about 9:30 and said he was at the Mount. I told him I had class there from 11:00 to 12:15 and asked if he was going to need a ride. He said he wouldn’t mind but wasn’t going to ask as he did have his bicycle. I said that was good because I had a crazy day ahead. It was, just nothing like I anticipated.

School went according to plan and I arrived home. It was rather drizzly out and I expected an email or two saying that soccer practice was cancelled which is indeed what happened so I stayed home rather than taking boys to practice which was fine. I helped Seth with his homework. He had some subtraction for math. They’re borrowing and I know that he knows how to do it but he often hurries through and does not take care to get the right answer. Upon checking it, there were two correct out of fifteen and I’d helped him with one of them. So, we went over every problem until at the end, he was doing it correctly. I also helped Joseph get his homework done which was pretty simple. (The bus just arrived—Daniel’s bus.) Then it was time to take Joanna to work because the weather was supposed to be unpleasant. Interestingly, it was supposed to rain all afternoon. It actually rained in the morning and cleared up in the afternoon. Anyway, we went to leave in the Aries and it wouldn’t start. I’d forgotten to turn off the headlights when I got home from school. So we tried the van. It wouldn’t start because apparently someone didn’t get a door shut all the way Sunday after church. So we tried the truck. Paul said that the transmission has an issue so I wasn’t really crazy about taking it but Joanna needed to get to work. Well, the truck started but the transmission definitely has an issue. It slipped just going the short distance down the driveway so I decided not to take it and when it slipped twice more driving around and up the other end of the driveway to park, I’m glad we didn’t. So, Joanna ended up taking her scooter.

And now it’s time to wake up children and go milk so I will be back.

Well, what a wasted half an hour. I got less than half the amount of milk I did yesterday because the girls didn’t go out to graze and didn’t get any hay. It takes as long to get a little bit of milk as it does a lot because each goat takes the same amount of time to eat her grain and when there is a lot of milk, I get done about the same time, when there is almost none, I get done before the goat. So, even though I spend less time eating, the goats take the same amount of time eating. They need to get out the garden today.

Boys are in the process of eating. Cedric just washed his bowl and Seth and Joseph are just getting started. I’m not sure what Amena’s up to. When I came in from milking, she had just finished painting her nails. What is happening to my Amena? Snacks are ready to go. There was one dinosaur chocolate cake left and Cedric volunteered to take it. There are Rice Krispie Treats for the other three plus grapes. There are enough grapes for tomorrow because I think I’ve been giving them too many so instead of using up almost the whole thing of grapes, I only used half today. Amena still is not down here. That girl takes forever most days and I’m not sure what she does to take so long.

Grandma, your package arrived today. The socks are causing me to expand my wardrobe somewhat because I don’t like to wear socks that don’t at least somewhat go with what I’m wearing and I have to say that green and yellow aren’t colors I typically wear because generally speaking, they make me look sick. However, those colors go well with a couple of the tie-dyed skirts I have. It’s kind of fun putting things together in different ways. The pictures are nice too. And the card is hilarious! Hahahaha!!!

And now on with the day! Have a great one!

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