Thursday, October 4, 2012

Grey, Wet Day

Good morning! It’s a grey and wet one but it’s nice, nonetheless.
The snack routine. This particular day we started with bags and scissors.
Big bags (aka 'sandwich bags') for the. . .

. . . grapes.
Small bags (aka 'snack bags') for the . . .

. . . cookies. Sorry, no picture of the cookies in the bags . . . it was then that the battery in the camera decided it just did not have what it took to take any more pictures.

I was having a strange dream this morning. We lived in the house I grew up in in McCloud and I was coming home from somewhere. Grandma and Bislita were visiting and they’d gone out, at my mother’s behest, for supper. I was annoyed because I needed to talk to them about something. I was further annoyed because the sidewalk to the side door was shoveled but the area between where we parked and the gate was not and neither were the steps to the porch. Further annoyance came when I learned that Elizabeth had done the shoveling because someone had been asked to do it and hadn’t. Laura was working on a car. She needed a specific part for something and none of the places in town had it. They had a cheap version made of plastic but she wanted the one that was made out of metal. Adam was over and she’d talked him into taking her to New Hampshire to look for the part because she didn’t want to wait to order it from a more local store. Then I asked if she’d tried the auto parts store on the other side of the hospital. It’s interesting that while we lived in the house in McCloud, we still lived in Massachusetts. Also interesting that there is no auto parts store on the other side of the hospital. Night came and we had a full moon. It was one of those full moons right down by the horizon that look absolutely huge. I grabbed my camera and phone and went out to take pictures of it. The strange thing with that is that the moon was rising at the back of the field behind the house which is not normal. Then I heard a rooster crow and it was my phone (it really does crow).
I saw this out a front window a few days ago.

These little ones are so cute hopping along!

They were in front of the house again yesterday, eating something in the screen house garden.

Yesterday was another one of those days when I do not accomplish everything on my list. Almost everything, but not quite. I have some reading to do for phlebotomy because the last two chapters we covered are the most important. There is also a quiz that is supposed to be posted for us to do but so far it isn’t on my Blackboard. Other than that, I didn’t get the quiz taken for marketing and I didn’t finish my part of the group project. I should get those done today and then I’ll work on other things. Hopefully I’ll get to banana bread today. I didn’t get to that yesterday either. Part of the reason is that there is all this STUFF (I was tempted to say CRAP) from Matthew’s apartment and I went through some of it yesterday. I had to go through some of it because it’s everywhere (well, not really, but it seems like it) and I needed the table cleared off and the dishes washed.

Cedric and Seth had soccer practice yesterday but Joseph didn’t. I didn’t find out until we had gone to the rec field and noticed there was no one there from his team. Then I checked my phone for email and sure enough, there was one there from his coach saying it looked like we had another rain out for practice. It was only sprinkling but whatever.

Cedric is outside riding his bike back and forth in front of the house. It’s actually Daniel’s bike and it’s just a touch too big for Cedric but he loves riding it. The bus should be here in about four minutes and everyone (other than Cedric) seems to be moving in slow motion. Cedric has been up for a while as he wanted me to get him up when I got up (I told him I couldn’t because I’d have to get dressed so he said, “well, five minutes later?”). He had some homework he needed to finish that he hadn’t had time for yesterday afternoon or night.

Yesterday morning Paul took the truck to the place where the Aries was and brought the Aries home. Laura checked the oil in it and told me it stunk. Boy, she was right! I got in to go to school and just about died. It smells like something died in there. Pee-ewe! Yuck! And the steering wheel, which has a memory foam cover, felt nasty so I did my best to avoid touching it. I managed to survive the drive to school and then the drive home and I even managed to survive sitting in it during soccer practice (with the windows rolled down). This morning Joanna said, “We’re taking that thing? It doesn’t have heated seats!” And it stinks. With any kind of luck, we’ll sell it soon. The Mercedes is gone; it would be nice to have the Aries gone.

Then there is the Toyota that I have a feeling I am not going to like driving in spite of the fact it is a stick shift and the Volkswagen Rabbit hiding at the back of the field behind the house. I’d be fine getting rid of all of those, working for Anji in New Hampshire (because it’s far enough away to make driving a diesel worthwhile—it seems they don’t like short trips as they don’t get hot enough to clean out the fuel lines), and getting a Jetta like Paul’s. Or a Jetta like the blue one he got for me that we traded for the white van. Ah, such is life.

Right now I would really like to go back to bed. I feel almost as tired as I did when I was sitting here last night working on the group project for marketing. Maybe I’ll do that once I’m done here. Anyway, have a wonderful day!

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