Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy October!

Good morning, good morning! Happy October 1st! What a weekend!

Friday Cedric and Seth did not have soccer practice. I stayed home all day and worked on school stuff. I didn’t get my essay done but I did work on it. I’m not having any luck remember what else might have gotten done. Adam came over. He’s rented a car since his died. Thursday night he had dropped Ryan off and rear-ended an old lady on the rotary by Hannaford. Thankfully, she was not hurt and neither car sustained much damage and he opted for the optional insurance when he rented the car so he’s covered.

Paul and I went to a place in Brookfield called the Clam Box. I wanted to try some alligator but they were out of the ones I wanted so I ordered Cajun Frog Legs. I was expecting some heat because they were Cajun but there was no heat. They were good but have too many bones so I really don’t think they’re worth bothering with again. Paul had fish and chips and decided he likes SS Lobster better. It’s closer and their French fries are better.

Saturday Joseph’s soccer game was cancelled due to the possibility of rain. It ended up not raining but it was still rather wet out. We went to Petersham for Cedric and Seth’s game. We found it without issue and we weren’t even the last ones to arrive. Katie Butler was there with all four of her kids. I knew that the older girls played soccer and wondered if they’d be playing this year since they’re moving back to Washington state in a couple of days. Hadley was on the Petersham U10 team. I was kind of hoping that they’d be there because I knew that if they were, there was a possibility that Karen Dusty would as well in order to see her grandkids. She wasn’t when we got there but she did come so we were able to say hi and visit a bit which was nice.

The boys played well. I really like watching them; they make a lot of funny moves but they manage to make a lot of good ones too. Petersham managed to get a goal in the first half. We were sitting pretty near some people from Petersham and they said it was a lucky shot. I didn’t actually see it because Joseph was on my lap and I was attempting to get pictures. In the second half, Hubbardston was able to get two goals so we won 2-1. It was a good game.

Paul started working on the ceiling in the back room Saturday afternoon and had to stop because he ran out of glue. It is going to be nice when it’s done. I like the design and the fact that it isn’t flat. The Relief Society broadcast was Saturday night at 8:00 and there was a salad pot luck and service project before. Laura and I did not go for a couple of reasons. One, Paul went shopping which would have meant one of us had to stay home to watch kids or we would have had to take them with us or we would have had to leave them home alone. Well, option one just didn’t work because the reason I didn’t want to go was that I still had school work to finish up. Option two didn’t work because the broadcast didn’t get over until 9:30 and that’s just too late. Option three was no good because Cedric and Amena together along is just not a good idea. Two, I had school work I still needed to get done. So, we stayed home, I got almost everything done school work wise that I wanted to, and we both listened to most of it online anyway.

I did not get my essay done to the point of my liking it. It is just the rough draft but still, the better it is, the less revising that must be done. At the point it is at now, it would need a lot. It is possible I might get more done on it in the next couple of hours. If not, I’ll probably email it to her later today or tomorrow because I do want it back Wednesday to do the revisions. I did get my marketing quiz taken again and this time got 10 for 10. I like that. I also read all the material for this week for English but did not comment on it. I will either comment on it before class if I have time or after if I do not. Either way makes little difference to me.

Yesterday was Sunday. We had a little roast with potatoes for lunch/supper. I wish there was a word similar to brunch indicating a meal eaten sometime between lunch and supper. It was a little roast and it was almost rare and we ate the whole thing. The potatoes were. They needed more cooking and most of them had to be finished in the microwave. We also had a salad. Because the roast was small and our home teachers were coming over and Paul had at least two, maybe three, people lined up to come look at the Mercedes, we didn’t invite anyone over to eat. It’s just as well anyway because most of us were in a very grumpy state of mind. After we ate it was better but until then, it was not pretty.

I made chocolate chips cookies after our home teachers, Rich Troop and David Alexander, left. I had lots of good help. Joseph helped with the mixing up. Cedric and Amena helped with putting them on cookie sheets. Seth wanted to help but it was rather crowded so he contented himself with eating dough. I’m not sure how many we got but it was a double batch so it was a few. I thought about doing a picture journal of it but decided not to because the battery in the camera was getting low. It actually died on me this morning.

This morning was a fairly typically Monday morning. I didn’t want to get out of bed but did and went to see if Joanna was alive. She was but was still in bed. It appeared to me that she intended to get up so I went downstairs and let the dogs out and then dug my driver’s license out of the shirt pocket it was in. I let the dogs in and went out to the car. By the time I pulled up by the steps, Joanna was out. We got to Jared’s apartment late, Ruth was there already waiting, but Jared was later. Joanna didn’t want to get out because the Jetta has heated seats and she was nice and warm. At least her bum was. I came home and decided not to take the girls for a walk because they’d been out already and would likely go out with me when I milked. So I got ready to milk and they did go out with me. Milking was pretty typical. When I first got out, the moon was still up and I could see about half of it over the roof of the back room with wispy clouds streaming by. It was very pretty and I wished that I had my camera with me.

It is now 9:28 and I just got back from the Salvation Army with Paul. Saturday when he was there, he’d seen in the pile of stuff that was due to be marked half off for today a clarinet. He wanted to get there today before anyone else took it so I could look at it and see if I thought it looked like a good enough deal. It does need a cork and it’s missing a key and the hardware to hold the reed but we got it because unless it costs more than $100 to fix, it’s a good deal.

Now Joanna and I are the only ones home. Laura took Joanna’s scooter to Walmart and Staples and we’re hoping that Laura doesn’t wreck. She tried to drive into the garden as she was leaving.

On my agenda is class for which I must leave in about an hour. I also would like to eat breakfast and make hot chocolate. I may only do one of those things. I also need to finish that essay. Paul and I went to Salvation Army earlier because he thought they open at 8:00 but they don’t so we came home and he got his lunch together and ate breakfast while I took a shower and then we went back. While I was in the shower, I was thinking about my essay for English and a totally new way of approaching it came to mind and I thought, “Why didn’t I think of that before?” So, I am not going to have it ready for this morning but I should be able to email it to her later today or tomorrow.

For now I will bid you adieu. Have a wonderful day.

PS Grandma Sue (aka mom), Becky and Jay: Seth wants to know when you can come visit because he'd like for you to be here when he is finally baptized. I'd like to do it on the 13th of October but IF there is any chance any of you  might be able to come before the end of the year, let me know.


  1. I would love to be there but I already have plans to be in California around that date and probably won't be able to afford another trip till spring the way things are going. I sure do hate to miss that though.

    1. I kind of thought that's what you would say. Maybe something will happen and you can come. In the meantime, I'm waiting to hear from a Becky or Jay.
