Friday, December 21, 2012


Well, I guess the good news is that we’re all still here, eh? Although I suppose for some, that would be bad news. My mom, Paul and I returned not long ago from eating at Little Anthony’s in Winchendon. They have sea food and are very good. We all had clam chowder (or chowda) which was very good. My mom had fried shrimp, I had fried clam strips, Paul had a teriyaki stir fry with shrimp, swordfish, and scallops I think. It was pretty good other than the fact that I really don’t like teriyaki; it’s too sweet. I think it’s funny that they always ask about dessert after you’ve asked for a container to take what you can’t eat home. Really? I’m going to eat dessert after stuffing myself so full I can’t fit anything else? Do people do that? Oh well, it was good and Joanna was home when we got here so that was nice.

Yesterday morning was a crappy morning. I have not been in such a foul mood for a very long time. I was tired of everything and everyone. The afternoon was better. I made fondant and flavored it mint, orange and rum. I made white chocolate truffles which would not keep the chocolate I wanted to dip them in on so I rolled them in cocoa powder. I made chocolate truffles which turned out pretty good. I made fudge for the third time and it turned out better than the previous two attempts although not as well as I’d have liked. I made three round cakes to make a snowman for Cedric to take to school today since tomorrow is his birthday. I made (and Laura helped with Cedric’s cake and this one) cheesecake cupcakes for her to take to school because her birthday is Tuesday. For supper we had nachos.

Today started out a little better but then got bad for a while due to a smart remark from a child. I went for a walk and then came back in and took a shower. I finished Cedric’s snowman and took it to school. I also took a bunch of Christmas cards and dropped them off at the PO on my way home. It was pouring.

When I took Joanna to work, my mom and Laura went too. We picked up one of Joanna’s coworkers because she didn’t have a ride and she was really glad to get one due to the rain. It was still pouring. We stopped at Stop n’Shop so Laura could get some salsa and then Walmart so I could get some stuff for Joanna for Christmas because she was the only one we hadn’t gotten anything for.

Most of the afternoon I made paper chains and washed and dried laundry. Laura helped me put the extension cord back up on the front porch so we have Christmas lights on again. I put more lights in the tree next to the screen house. I would have put them nearer to the road but there wasn’t an available outlet so plans changed.

And that’s about that. Pretty exciting couple of days.


  1. Was it Laura or Amena helping with birthday cakes for school?

  2. Laura. It was late enough Amena ought to have been in bed.
