Thursday, December 13, 2012

Morning vs. Night

In some ways, it might make sense to do this sort of thing in the evening because the day is fresher in the mind. However, there is a time factor involved and this thing called sleep. When I’m going on a project such as a paper that I need to finish, I like to keep going until I am either done or asleep. Not often am I going to stop in the middle when I’m on a roll so that I can write in a journal. With that in mind, morning makes more sense because although some of the details of the previous day might already be gone, more of what is remembered is going to end up committed to paper (or, in this case, electronic memory) and some of the details are actually found as the larger ones are written about. So, nights are most likely going to not continue and I will get back into a morning habit. For a while, anyway. It is quite likely that while I’m doing phlebotomy clinicals all I’ll manage to get out is very short little blurbs because there will be so much else to do when I am home and I can’t see taking my laptop with me if all I have is 30 minutes for lunches.

Yesterday was Wednesday. Joseph had a dentist appointment at 8:00 in the morning. That was fun. He didn’t want the dentist to give him novocain so they only did one filling and that only with the little bit of stuff they put on the gum before the shot. He did well with that but has to go in again Monday morning for the last one. It was also his winter concert and he was supposed to wear holiday dress. Because we were rushing out the door so early, I completely forgot about wearing nice clothes and was happy that he had on any clothes. Poor kid.

I had class as usual for a Wednesday and dropped Joanna at work on my way. On the way home from that I had a quick errand and when I got home, Laura was in the shower. We got to Joseph’s concert in time to hear the last two and a half songs which was good but could have been better.

After the concert, the afternoon was free until time to go to church for scouts, etc. Once the boys got home, Cedric helped me string an extension cord across the driveway so we can have our lights on. We don’t have much done because no one’s been excited about putting them on the house. Actually, the problem is the ladder—no one wants to get the ladder out and deal with getting it up and down. It’s a pain. Laura and I did it last year to take them down and it wasn’t fun.

My little errand after class was taking a clarinet that we found at the Salvation Army to a music store to see what the opinion was on fixing it. The opinion is that it is a Walmart clarinet and generally not worth fixing. That’s too bad. I suppose I could have found that out and certainly wish I’d have known before we got it but at least we didn’t waste too much money on it. It would be nice if perhaps my lovely sister could send my clarinet out here with my mother next week. (That’s a hint, by the way.)

Currently, as I’ve edited my final paper for English, finished my marketing final, and taken the phlebotomy final, all I have to do is turn in my final paper for English and tell the class about it, and take my accounting final. Monday I get to turn in the English paper and I’ll probably take the accounting final that day as well. It isn’t available until Saturday. If I attempt to take it that day, I’m almost guaranteed a bad grade because life is so crazy here on a typical Saturday. Sunday I don’t do school work. That leaves Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Actually, I’m not sure I will take it Monday. Monday morning Joseph has his 8:00 am dental appointment, it is the last day of class for English (unless you count the final on Tuesday which we do not have to go to unless we want to go chat or turn in our paper that day), and my mother is arriving (although not until 9:44 so I won’t have to leave until, what? 7:30 or so). Tuesday morning might work because I won’t be going in to kindergarten until 12:30 for their Christmas party. Hmmmm. We shall see.

Currently, other than the usual fun stuff like cleaning, all I have to do is read the last reading for English and post about it. Pretty exciting. I think I’ll do it, or at least start it, shortly. In the meantime, I believe I will post my paper because I don’t think I’ll be making any changes to it.

Have a wonderful day!

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