Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Different Day

Well, this morning is not like yesterday morning. For one thing, when I got up at 5:00 to wake Amena up, I did not want to be up and I had no trouble going back to sleep. Cedric didn’t really want to wake up either and I wasn’t about to navigate the bedroom floor to do more than tell him it was 5:00. At 6:00 when I got up, Amena was still in bed and so was Cedric.
I got Amena’s lunch ready and got grain ready to take out to the goats and got ready to milk. It was almost time for the bus to arrive and I figured it wouldn’t hurt any boys to be up six minutes earlier than I usually wake them up since sometimes they manage to get up much earlier so I did those rounds. Cedric, for wanting to get up at 5:00, was still in bed pretty asleep at 6:24. Then the bus was here and Amena was still upstairs. She managed to get out before it left her which is a good thing because there isn’t enough gas in the green car to do any chasing of the bus.
And now it’s 7:36 and Joseph is just now getting his lunch and folder in his backpack. And the table isn’t cleared off—there is a bowl, a saucer, a spoon, a fork, and two boxes of cereal. One is empty but still should have been put away. The bus could be here any time and Cedric, who is usually the one out waiting for it at least five minutes early, had to come in and get something.
The goats are staying in today because it’s supposed to be rainy off and on all day. With that in mind, I cleaned out their water bucket and filled it, they got extra grain and extra hay, plus some yummy onions and peppers.
Altogether a day completely unlike yesterday.
 And there are always things that I forget to mention. For example—
Yesterday morning Joseph asked me, “How big is your tongue?”
What? “Hmmmm,” I said, “let’s take a look at Stan.” I pulled the plastic off and took his head off and showed Joseph the jaw and the area that is taken up by the tongue. Then I got out my A&P book so we could look at a picture.
We looked and he said, “Wow, it doesn’t seem that big. You can only see this part,” and he stuck out his tongue.
I thought it was a good question. And I think it’s really awesomely cool that we have our very own skeleton to consult as well as an A&P text with really cool pictures.
So, in a manner of speaking, yesterday morning was unlike any other as well. Which just points to the fact that every day is different from every other day. They may be similar in one or more ways, but they are always different in one or more ways as well.
Yesterday I stripped Joseph’s bed and washed bedding and sheets. That was pretty exciting. After school, Seth gathered all the dirty laundry off their bedroom floor. Also exciting. It certainly brought to light all the toys and such that need to be put away. That will have to happen today after school because it is dangerous to walk in there right now. Especially at night or when it’s dark and the light is off.
I finished Emily West’s dress yesterday. She wanted to wear it to an event tomorrow and so I got to finish it. That’s nice in a way but I think I will miss these times of sewing. I also got a few other things done like mailing the letters to Quabbin Regional Middle and High Schools, registering for a couple of workshops next Thursday, making bread, washing and drying lots of laundry.
We had the sisters over for dinner yesterday and Cedric couldn’t get a ride with Dominic to scouts so he wasn’t able to go yesterday. We mentioned to Paul that Thursday really would work out better, at least for me, so we’ll see how it goes. I know that Blair is used to him going on Tuesday now but I think I’m just going to start taking Cedric to scouts when he has it and going to the meetings that I’ve been missing and see if that doesn’t help get our dinner dates changed to Thursday. It’s basically Blair or my family and I don’t really care what Blair thinks about Paul leaving—I think he has somewhat unrealistic expectations anyway. If it’s out of consideration for what he is used to, too bad.
When I woke up at 5:00 I wondered why my right arm was sore. Then I remembered the tug of war with the goats yesterday. Maybe I should have a tug of war with the goats every day and alternate which arm I use. It would be good for my arms. Not good for the goats though, so I think we’ll pass.

And that’s it for now. I hope you have a splendiferous day!

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