Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Numbers and Stuff

Good morning! I think I need to put some clothes in the dryer because I have an appointment with the chiropractor this morning and I’d like to wear clean clothes. Dry ones, too.
So, yesterday I got the most amazing book in the mail. It’s one I’ve read; parts of it numerous times. The dedication reads like this: “Though he never got the chance to read it, Chapter Thirty-Four I wrote specifically for one of my favorite people ever, who was also one of my first proofreaders. He suggested that I add a little action to that general area of the story and so, became the inspiration for the Champion of the Lost Village. Many thanks, little brother!” There is some interesting stuff going on with the numbers here. Chapter Thirty-Four; Chapter 34. March 4? Chapter Thirty-Four happens to fall on page 314. Some people would say “Pie!” And if it were a lemon pie, it would be appropriate. But you could also see 314 as 3/4. March 4. Very appropriate, I think, that the little brother mentioned happens to have been born on March 4.
I’ve already lost the book; it is on its way to school in the backpack of another brother who wonders how anyone could write a story that long. One key is to read stories that long.
An evening walk about Monday.

Seth came home from school yesterday concerned that he might get in trouble today. It seems that someone took a Pepsi on the bus after school and a girl who rides it said that Seth did. Cedric and Joseph both agree that Seth did not have a Pepsi. If he did, he certainly did not get it from home because we just don’t have any. They also do not have it at school in any vending machines. That there was a Pepsi I’m pretty sure. That Seth took it on the bus, I seriously doubt. In any case, to help Seth feel better, I emailed the principal this morning. Hopefully by doing so I haven’t created something where there was nothing.
When I was listing things I got for Mother’s Day, I neglected to mention a pot of flowers.
Pansies and a petunia from Amena.

Yesterday I finished reading The Farmer and the Obstetrician by Michel Odent. Quite an interesting book comparing, as you might have guessed at least a little, industrialized farming and industrialized childbirth. It is interesting that they developed at approximately the same time. At the time the book was written, 2002, the author was in hopes that we were coming out of industrialized farming. It may have seemed at the time that we were but now we hear too often of genetically modified foods and I think that things have taken a turn for the worse. So it is with childbirth. We keep hearing about how different practices really have no basis in evidence based care and yet they are still in use. Not only that, but things that would be helpful or truly beneficial are being touted as potentially dangerous.
Another interesting thing the author (I don’t know how else to refer to him; Dr. Odent? Michel?) points out is that home birth is a relatively new phenomenon. Previous to the homebirth movement that started in the mid-20th century, birth often took place in a special or designated place that was just for birth or sometimes for birth and menstruation. It did not as often take place at home. I think that might be more true of certain cultures because in medieval times, birth took place at home but, and for gentry at least, a specific room or chamber was chosen as the birthing room.
This is what we had last night. Very pretty.

Cedric had scouts yesterday. He has been going with Dominic but his mom thought he probably wasn’t going to be going yesterday. It happened that Zak and Joanna were here and they took him and picked him up. We also had the missionaries over for burritos and tacos for dinner. I was just going to do burritos but didn’t think we had enough flour tortillas (and didn’t feel like making more) so I did taco stuff as well. It isn’t that much more work and is more likely to please everyone because certain people don’t like flour tortillas. (That would be a certain Cedric.)
This morning has been a morning. It’s currently 47° which is tolerable with 71% humidity which is why it feels like 44° which feels rather cool. We are supposed to have a high of 71° today which would be nice as long as the humidity really is below 60% like the forecast says it is. Monday when I was out and about, I saw people swimming, or at least in the water, at Dunn Park. They’re crazy. It almost did feel warm enough to get in the water but that water is just disgusting. Yuck. Anyway, yesterday wasn’t ever warm enough for that kind of nonsense and today probably won’t be either.
Today I have laundry to do and another book to read (this one is Empty Arms by Pam Vredevelt). There is the previously mentioned visit to the chiropractor. One of the boys said that today is an early release day but the calendar says next Wednesday is. I have another book waiting at the library so I might take back some books and get it. I think it is the last one I had requested. While I’ve enjoyed the books I’ve been reading, it will be nice to read some lovely fiction with no time constraints.

With that, I think I will bid you adieu. Have a terrifical day!

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