Thursday, May 29, 2014

Beautiful Day!

Good morning! And we have a lovely day going on thus far. A bit out of the ordinary but pretty darn good and fairly routine for the most part. I can even handle the 92% humidity because it’s mostly fog and I’ve always liked fog (except when driving in it) and it’s 42°. The fog is actually going away by now and leaving a mostly sunny sky.
I got up at 5:00 in spite of the fact that I did not want to and went to Amena’s room to make sure she was awake and getting up. I let Misty out and used the bathroom and began my journey attempting to call the hospital. I tried my phone three times. I kept getting, "Welcome to Verizon Wireless. Your call cannot be completed as dialed. Please check the number and try your call again." I checked. I looked online (which was a whole other experience but I was able to see that the number I was calling, which is stored in my phone and I’ve called many, many times before, was the correct number). I tried again. I went to see if I could use Amena’s phone but it wasn’t charged. I went to see if I could use Joanna’s phone. I got the same message. I went upstairs and used Paul’s cell phone. I got the same message. I attempted using his phone for work but didn’t remember what button to push to make a call. Finally, I called the other number I have stored which I knew came from the hospital but wasn’t sure where exactly. It was the main number and I was able to get through to the operator who put me through to maternity. I figured by this point that surely there would be someone there in labor or scheduled for induction because I was running out of time to get everything done that needed to be before I could go. But, no, no one in labor or scheduled for induction.
Well, at least I could get Amena’s lunch ready. So I did. And I could get ready to milk and take the goats out for the day. Honestly, though, I don’t remember if I went out to milk before the bus came for Amena or after. In either case, Libby was milked and because she was in all day and the boys didn’t get put to bed until after we got home from church last night, she didn’t have all that much milk.
Amena got off just in time and I went out to move the stakes. What fun that was. I went and got a new stake and cable because I figured it’s time to stake Libby out with the other goats because it’s nearing time for the kids to be kept apart from her during the day as well (and, no, I don’t know that my ideas on raising kids are ideal but under current circumstances, they work for me) as at night. Misty went to the basement with me and was rather startled when the furnace kicked on.
Anyway, first things first, we (Misty and I) put the new stake in the garden. Then we went to the field and collected the five that were there. Some of the grass is so tall that someone little like Misty could be lost forever. I should have soaped her up for a bath. We put two in front of the garden and the other three we put along the side of the garden. By the time we were done, Misty was shivering and my pants were wet half way up my thighs. I think most of the 92% humidity was condensing on the grass.
Then we went in and I think Misty stayed in while I helped Seth take the goats out. I thought it would be easiest (for us, anyway) to take them out in front of the barn. However, goats being goats, they decided that they should go the way they always go and went the other way. It worked, but meant walking through more tall, wet grass. Good thing Seth had on his rubber boots and hadn’t gotten dressed yet. Bailey, as usual, didn’t come with the rest of the goats; he went the easy way.
It was getting pretty late by the time we were done even though the goats mostly cooperated and went where we wanted them to go once they were out and taking the long way. Because there are six of them it takes a few minutes to get them all done and because they took the long way, it took an even longer few minutes. Seth just had time to eat, get dressed, and get his lunch bag out of the car. Joseph just had time to finish eating and get dressed. Cedric, of course, was ready but he didn’t have to take out the goats. I just had time to finish getting lunches together.
Yesterday was a day. Not terribly exciting or anything. Emily came to pick up her dress (and reports that it fits well—I hope she wears it to church soon so I can see). I got some soap cut which was an adventure because one of them was Mom’s Mint Shampoo and I’d forgotten how long it stays softish. It cut just fine but then didn’t want to come off the plastic insert at the bottom of the mold. Fun times. I finally just stuck it in the freezer while I ate lunch and then it came off with slightly less trouble. I’m thinking I might use the wooden molds for the shampoo bars because they take longer to cure. I’m pretty sure that’s a better option than using more lye although I might play with the recipe because it really would be nice if they cured at a rate more comparable to the other bars.
I got some laundry done but not as much as there was to do. Today while I make soap, I’ll fold clothes while I’m waiting for the initial lye solution to cool. I’m excited about that prospect, let me tell you.
We really need to get more organized for YW on Wednesday nights. We made scones last night and while I think it turned out well, I think it would have been better had it just been the Laurel’s rather than all the girls. Sunday we have presidency meeting before church and this is one of the things I would like to address.
Cedric loves the kittens. I think he’d live out on the porch with them if he could. If we could bring them in the house, I’m quite sure he’d be happy to have them all on his bed all of the time. He reports that his teacher, Jackie Chabot, would like one of the kittens. I know this will be disappointing for Laura because she really wants one but it is possible that she won’t be able to find an apartment that allows cats. However, if she does, it is also possible that Joanna won’t get Kitty fixed before she has another litter. I hope that is not the case, but it is possible.

I don’t think there is anything else to report at the moment. Soooooo, have a spectacular day!

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