Saturday, May 10, 2014

One thousand fifty words

Good morning! It is very humid out this morning. Maybe because it is raining? Maybe. The temperature isn’t bad at 62° but the humidity is awful at 94%.
I really can’t think of anything terribly exciting or newsworthy to tell you about today. Well, maybe I can if I put my mind to it.
For some unexplainable reason, I left way too early to go to Joann’s yesterday. I was twenty minutes early. I sat in the car for a few minutes and then went in; I thought I could take a peek at fabric and start looking at patterns. Simplicity patterns were on sale for 99¢ and McCall’s were 5 for $7.00. We picked out three for me to work with and then looked at fabric. There was some lace that Kim liked so she got it. She also got some muslin for reenactment costumes and said she spent just a little more than $20.00. Not bad. All of the taffeta they have now is a new kind with spandex in it. I like the body, and I think it would be cool to work with, but why on earth would anyone want a wedding dress that stretches? The selection was very poor. I’m guessing it might have something to do with proms but I don’t really know. There was some satin (good quality, even) camo print as well as lace to use with it. I think it would be really fun to make a prom dress out of something like that.
I left Kim to finish up there so that I could talk to someone if she wanted but it didn’t work out that way so I went home. This particular someone is afraid that her husband will find out where she is, and I understand that fear, but he won’t find out from me. Not that I actually know; I do have a guess but that’s all it is.
On the way home I stopped at Price Chopper because I wanted some yogurt and ice-cream. Paul only buys yogurt when it’s on sale or special or marked down which means the selection is not very good. All we had at home is some cherry that is gross and strawberry banana which Seth and Amena have reported tastes like banana. No thanks. Noone around here has Brown Cow which is a shame because it is my favorite.  I need the kids to grow up enough to be weaned so that I can make some goat yogurt.
After Amena got home but before the boys did, Adam, Kim and Sarah came over. I figured Sarah wanted to look at the kittens since she gets to have one and I figured right. She has to have a girl so I hope the one she likes is. I checked this morning and one is definitely a boy, two are definitely girls, and the other might be a boy but I need to take a better look. The black one is a girl! So cool! She’s my personal favorite. Kim wanted to see the kids as well. It’s kind of funny that she’s kind of afraid of the goats because one tried to eat her clothes at Disneyland once. Goats are incredibly curious and they will ‘taste’ your clothes, no doubt about it. The kids are getting super cute but they need to be played with more or they’re going to end up like their mother and be somewhat people shy.
Kim left the patterns and I got her measurements. I’m not planning on starting anything until Monday because I’d like to have as few distractions as possible. Also, I will have pictures by then to go on which is kind of important.
Paul and I went to SS Lobster and Devon met us there. It was good. I took chap stick with me because I usually don’t and I almost always wish I had it with me.  It was so busy when we got there; there were no empty tables. I did a quick scout out and did find a couple of tables that looked like the people were about done so I kept my eye open and when one left, I grabbed the table. It needed to be washed, of course, but I wasn’t about to leave it until Paul was there.  Devon arrived not long after I washed the table and it’s always interesting listening to them talk about things that go on at work. Paul says that he can hear from his new office everything that is being said in the back which is where the dryers are modified and systems are built. Devon said they needed to get a white noise generator. They said that Blair has taken for his office a room that should be used as conference room because it’s so big. It just sounds like a lot of fun there.
I finished my application for Sacred Transitions Midwifery Institute and got it submitted yesterday. I had a pretty good internal debate going on about it because it isn’t an accredited program currently and therefore I cannot use financial aid for it and currently the only option for becoming certified is using the PEP process (which just requires a heck of a lot of paperwork which I already have printed out). The decision was made for a couple of reasons. One, if I later decide to do the CNM route, I’d like to have some financial aid left to use for that. Two, the other midwifery programs that are accredited and I could use financial aid for have pretty good expenses over and above what the financial aid would cover. Those expenses are actually more than the cost for the entire STMI program. If, in the end, I am still undergoing the same exam process either way, I figured it would be worthwhile to go with the STMI program. Besides, although it requires some skills workshops in person, they’re only less than an hour away in New Hampshire.
The kids and kittens are really getting cute. The kittens have started playing with each other and the kids jump all over the place. I need the charge the camera for pictures.

Right now I need to get on with the day so have a wonderful one!

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