Friday, May 16, 2014

It's Not My Fault!

Good morning! I was going to say that I haven’t been outside yet but that isn’t strictly true. I did go out to get Kitty’s food dishes and then I went back out to feed her. I was also going to say that based on the temperature in the house, it must be at least in the 50’s. Let’s check. Let’s not check. For some reason I do not currently have internet access. Hopefully that problem is remedied by the time I want to get this posted, eh?
What an interesting day yesterday. Amena and the boys got off safely and in time. I had an appointment with the chiropractor at 10:00 and was twenty-three minutes late because of a side-trip I volunteered to take. Had I left when I originally wanted to, I would not have been late. However, four minutes before I needed to leave I realized it was as late as it was and I hadn’t yet had a shower so I took a quick one and left almost twenty minutes late.
After the chiropractor I stopped at Market Basket and then came home. Home was pretty low key and uneventful and I managed to accomplish nothing. I think if I had it to do over again, I would get busy and get some things done.
In the afternoon, I took one of the coupons I got for Mother’s Day to Friendly’s and got a Sundae. That was pretty eventful.
The real reason that the day was interesting I really can’t tell you about so perhaps I shouldn’t have told you it was interesting. I don’t know. You can read about it in 50 years when I publish my memoirs.
Only Joseph had homework when the boys got home. I really do not see any good purpose for all the testing that these kids do. On every homework they do they have to do a test prep section and when they have testing, they have no homework. It’s like they’re being taught that testing is the be all and end all of school. I don’t know how it is everywhere but here, if students want to do band or chorus, they have to take time out of recess or stay late or some such thing. It can’t be part of the school day because heaven forbid if they should miss out on the really important stuff. Music is part of the school day and I think that is good. I also think band, orchestra and chorus should be as well. Maybe not all of them for every student, but they shouldn’t have to take time out of recess.
Where have all these educators and administrators gone to school? Don’t they know that children learn while they are playing? They learn more about how to develop relationships during free time than they do during structured learning. I think part of the problem is that it is easier to control students during structured time. When they are running about playing outside, they are much harder to control. However, I seem to recall reading an article or two about getting rid of most of the playground rules and how it actually helped to improve behavior during such times. Why can’t we be pioneers in this rather than sticking mindlessly to the old ways?
For church last night we wrote letters to the girls we haven’t seen for a while inviting them to Ward Conference Sunday. I need to get those in the mail today. I think it was an okay activity but could have been more fun if we’d had more stuff to decorate the cards/letters with.
This morning I decided to call the hospital at 5:00 when I made sure Amena was getting up. That way, if nothing was going on I could go back to bed for my usual almost-an-hour before getting up for good at 6:00. It was a wise decision; nothing was going on. I kind of hope that nothing was expected to go on either because usually they say something like, “No there’s no one back there and there aren’t any inductions scheduled.” Today it was, “There’s no one back there.” Nothing about inductions. I guess I’ll find out when I go look at my phone which will be pretty soon because I still don’t seem to have internet access. That might change though, because Paul is up and if he doesn’t have access, he’ll do something about it.
Up for today is some reading, a trip to the library, and working for an hour in the garden. Unless the hospital calls. Then going to the hospital will be up.

In the meantime, have an absolutely wonderful day!

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