Friday, May 16, 2014

Catchy Titles are Escaping Me

Good morning! Today I can hazard a guess as to the temperature and humidity and then check because we do have internet today. I am going to guess in the 50’s and about 80%. Let’s see how close I am. A little off. It appears that we are at 60° (which is on the high end of the 50’s) and 95% humidity. I should have known; it rained last night and I had to open three windows to make the house tolerable already. Our forecast indicates we will only get about five degrees warmer and the humidity will only lessen to the low 80’s. I’m not excited. And be prepared: I intend to complain about the humidity and heat just as much as everyone complained about the snow this past winter.
The boys yesterday morning.

Yesterday was a day. Other than not having internet, it was pretty much like any other day with the exception that I was on call and nothing was happening and I never got a call.
One of the kittens.

I finished reading Empty Arms. It was an incredibly easy book to read and I am done reading books, for now anyway, that deal with death and how to cope. It is a very Christian book. I don’t mind that at all but I really would like to read a book that is geared toward people who do not believe in life after death. How do they deal with it? I know that if I did not believe that I will be with my loved ones again, I wouldn’t bother living; how must it be for those who don’t have that faith? I really can’t imagine. But I can imagine that there might come a day when I may work with someone who doesn’t; I would like to know how best to help someone in such a circumstance.
One of the boys. Just after this was taken, he fell over backward onto his siblings. They're so cute and so much fun!

So, my morning was spent mostly reading and I decided to go to the library after lunch. I don’t even remember what I had for lunch—must have been pretty exciting. Anyway, I knew that I had a book waiting for me at the Hubbardston Library so I took back the books that needed to go there and got it: The Nurturing Touch at Birth: A Labor Support Handbook by Paulina Perez. It is another short book, only 84 pages, and so far an easy read. I’d like to finish it today because I would then be done with all the reading I need to do for the Birth Arts certification.
Seth and his fraction mobile.

The afternoon was afternoonlike. Joanna was on her way home when I was on my way to the library. Amena got home not long after I did from the library and it wasn’t long after that that she and Joanna took off to buy a pair of shoes.
When the boys got home Cedric really didn’t have any homework and Seth and Joseph took almost forever to get going with theirs. Once they did, it didn’t take long to finish. Seth was adding fractions and Joseph has been working with shapes. I imagine Seth will be doing fractions next week as well but a different way. He still hasn’t mastered multiplication facts and that, I would think, ought to be more important. Even Cedric hasn’t completely mastered multiplication facts. I think it was in 5th grade that I finally caught on and I still struggled with six’s, seven’s and eight’s for some time.
The boys had macaroni and cheese and hotdogs for dinner because there wasn’t enough taco and burrito stuff left to do a whole meal. I had a steak cut up and cooked in a hot sauce. It was okay but the meat was overcooked. Still, it was better than macaroni and cheese and hot dogs. I have no idea what Joanna and Amena did because they were on their way home when we were on our way ‘out for a drive.’
Paul called around 6:30 and wanted to know if I wanted to go out for a drive. Well, okay. The boys could go if Joanna wasn’t home yet so that was good. So, when he got home, we went for a drive. We went to Fitchburg. It was pretty exciting. We took a very roundabout way to get where we were going and when we arrived, Paul told the boys to stay in the car while we went for a walk. The walk consisted of walking up some stairs. At the top of the stairs what should we see but a woman and . . . a . . . dog. Oh no, really? A dog? I don’t want another dog. But this one is a cute little brown English Cocker Spaniel and she could be a companion for Scooter who has never been alone in all of her doggie life until Trista died. I’m not sure how excited I am about it—no, wait, yes I am sure. I’m not. She is cute and she is younger so she is more energetic but because she’s more energetic, Kitty doesn’t like her. I’m not excited. Even though she is cute. She already piddled in the kitchen (Cedric cleaned it up) and she started to poop at the bottom of the stairs. Anyway, her name is Misty. Hopefully the messes in the house were just the excitement of a new home and so much going on this morning because honestly, I’ve cleaned up more dog pee and poop in the house in the last five years than I ever cleaned up cat messes in my life. And no, I’m not exaggerating about that and I’m not being sarcastic. Anyway, we’ll see how it goes. And we will not be getting another dog. And when Scooter goes, we will not be getting a companion for Misty. So far, they aren’t being very companionable. We’ll also see how that goes. And I think I have decided that keeping a kitten might not be such a bad thing after all.
Have a spectacular day!

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