Saturday, September 8, 2012

Another One of Those Days

We were going to have pancakes today for breakfast. Then, when I walked in the house last night and saw that the dishes hadn’t been done, pancakes for breakfast flew out the window. Because the dishes were not washed last night, I had to wash the bucket and other things necessary for milking and straining the milk this morning. That’s not too bad, it just takes a couple of minutes. However, when I went outside, I noticed that the crate George and Fred should have been in had its door wide open. Really? Children don’t know by now that George and Fred should be in the crate at night? So, the combination of my having gotten up 18 minutes late and having to wash a bucket and seeing that the kids spent the night with the does and the fact that there weren’t many scraps made for a not too good experience with milking this morning because I was crabby and the girls wanted out because there wasn’t anything to keep them occupied with in the food department.

Yesterday was alright. Adam came over. While he was here, I read marketing posts because they’re short and easy to get through even when someone is talking to you. I also made chocolate zucchini bread because it’s easy to talk while baking. To be perfectly honest though, some of the conversation was annoying because we were talking about goats and he was telling me that goats aren’t that strong and that dogs are stronger and if he were taking them out (which Laura was while he was here) he would manhandle them because they’re not that strong and they have horns. Hmmm. Well, obviously, he doesn’t know a whole lot about goats but he wasn’t listening to anything I said so I just got out of the conversation.

I had a LOT of reading to do yesterday and got about half of it done. I’ll have to do the rest sometime today because I don’t want to add that to next week’s work. In the afternoon, Jonathan called and I talked to him and Elizabeth for about 15 minutes before it was time for me to leave to go get the boys for soccer practice. Cedric and Seth love soccer currently. I took Joseph too, thinking he could play at the park but there wasn’t anyone there he knew so it wasn’t much fun and I told him next week I’ll have him go home on the bus with Amena. He didn’t like that idea and said that we could just wait for someone he knows to come. Well, quite frankly, not going to happen. I can read if I don’t have a 6-year-old complaining about the fact there isn’t anyone to play with and I'm not willing to wait every week to see if someone will come he knows. Therefore, home with Amena he will go.

After soccer practice, I could have gotten more reading done but I was so tired I laid down on my bed and fell asleep for about an hour. Then it was time to get supper ready for children who would were home which consisted of Laura, Amena, Cedric, Seth and Joseph. They had leftover sausage/kielbasa, potato salad and green salad. Pretty exciting.

While I was warming the sausage up, Paul called. I had been wondering why he hadn’t yet because he usually does when he leaves work on Friday. It turns out that he didn’t get out until about 6:35 and had a cuckoo crazy day. The morning was alright, he said. There was a meeting that went well and he got some phone calls done. He had his lunch which included some ice-cream he’d taken and that was good. The afternoon progressed and he wondered what exactly was going on because Steve hadn’t been willing to talk to him all day and while Jay had been in the morning, he wasn’t in the afternoon. Then, Steve went in to talk to the new accountant and all he heard before the door was shut is, “Blair used to own the company but now. . .” So, what could be going on? He didn’t know because no one had said anything to him. It turns out, Steve didn’t like the fact that Paul had brought Adam to work. Steve would say, “Don’t bring Adam back.” Blair said, “Bring Adam in.” Then, he didn’t like the fact that Paul had brought Laura to work. Steve would say, “We don’t need Laura, don’t bring her in.” Blair said, “We need Laura. Bring her in.” Steve said, “We don’t need Laura, don’t bring her in.” Blair told Laura to only come in three days a week. It appears that Steve has been playing Blair and Paul off each other for some time, about as long as Paul has been there. Paul will ask why these systems didn’t go out. Steve will say because Blair didn’t order the parts. Paul goes to Blair and wants to know what the heck is going on. It’s a cycle. Steve is going to ruin the company if he continues. Paul is going to quit if he continues. Blair told Paul yesterday that they’ll have to walk on eggshells. Paul said, “No, we won’t.” Paul learned about Steve having spoken to Blair and Blair’s mentor, I don’t remember his name, at 4:00 and said from that point on, the day was pretty crappy. Well, that’s not really what he said, but you get the idea.

Supper got on the table and children were eating and Paul got home and we left. Paul was still pretty worked up about the day so it’s nice that we could go out and unwind. He said that he’s of a mind to tell Blair that he cannot continue working if things remain the same. I agree. It seems to me that Paul is doing his job and doing it well. It appears that Steve has some issues. Laura says he blows up often and that just isn’t appropriate for a work place environment.

Anyway, we went to a Thai restaurant we’ve been to a few times that has really good food and is really clean. I don’t remember what Paul had but there were lots of cashews in it. I had a bamboo and pork combination plate that was very good and we had a Pad Thai to share which was also very good. After that, we went to Market Basket to see if there were any markdowns and then to TJMaxx for the same reason. They have some jalapeño ketchup there that is really good. I don’t generally care for ketchup but this stuff I like. Other than that there wasn’t much so we left. I said that we should give Jonathan a ride to work even though he didn’t need to be to work until 11:00 and it was only a few minutes past 9:30. We did go to see if he’d like one and it took knocking on the window five times before getting a response. He actually is working about a fifteen minute walk from where they’re staying so a ride wasn’t needed. Paul did offer Elizabeth a job. He needs someone to call all the Spanish-speaking salons and Elizabeth would be perfect for that. It would only be two or three days a week, but that would be perfect for Elizabeth. So, we left and came home and when we got here, Jonathan sent me a text message saying that they’d talked about it and Elizabeth would like to give it a try.

I checked my email and took a quick look at Facebook once we got home and then went to bed because I was tired. I struggled through a couple of chapters of really good reading in Helaman (lots of war and stuff, you know?) and turned the light off. I was so tired. Once the light was off, I couldn’t sleep. Paul came in and I thought, ‘This is good, maybe he’ll be in a talkative mood.’ No such luck. He got in bed and was asleep within about two minutes. I got up and put some clothes in the drier and then went back to bed. Apparently, I fell asleep because I woke up at 4:20 something and needed to use the bathroom. Joseph came and got in bed shortly after that. Then I woke up again at 6:18 and got up to take the dogs for their walk and milk. After I had washed the bucket for milking, I got the dishes somewhat organized and started filling the sink so Cedric could wash and went up and told him to get down and get them done. That was almost two hours ago and they still are not done.

This morning the boys have soccer pictures at the recreational field and there are a lot of activities going on. I’ve volunteered for the frog jumping contest which should be at 1:30. If it rains, which it looks like it could at any moment, it will all be tomorrow in which case we will not be there for any of it.

Right now, I need to get something going for breakfast. At this point, I’d say it’s going to be a cereal day with no rolled oats as an option.

Have a spectacular day!

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