Friday, September 14, 2012

Turkey Day

Twelve days until Joanna’s 18th birthday. My, how the time has flown! I remember when she was just a little pipsqueak. So cute, always happy and smiling! It has followed her and she is one of the happiest people I know. Of course, she’s had reason to learn that we choose to be happy or not.

This morning as the canine girls and I were out walking, I was standing near the big rock that’s near a tree that’s near the foundation of the old barn. Straight ahead was the back field. To the right, the slopping hill with Christmas trees where Daniel is buried and on the other side of them at the bottom of the hill, the stream. The elevation difference between the field and the stream is pretty marked and I was looking at the fog/low lying clouds. The field was covered; the mist touched the ground. As the earth fell toward the creek, the mist did not; at the stream, it was a good 15 to 20 feet in the air. Very pretty but I did not have my camera to capture it. We went down and visited Daniel’s grave and I thought about the message I want to send to Jeremy West about having the Scouts come and fix the monkey bridge.

Yesterday morning, I went upstairs to see if Joanna was dead or alive (she was alive—just to let you know so you don’t worry) and I looked out the window and saw turkeys in the back right by the porch. I hurried down the stairs and grabbed the camera and went out the back door as quietly as I could which wasn’t quiet enough for the turkeys to not hear me. Still, even though they were alerted to my presence and began to quickly leave the area, I got a couple of decent pictures and a bit of video of their departure. (You can click on the link for the video since it's taking forever to upload.)
Milking was uneventful this morning. I forgot to dip Princess’s teats but other than that, nothing out of the ordinary happened.

Seth did not get the dishes done last night so I got him up at 6:00 to finish. I didn’t know if he’d manage to accomplish this because he can be extraordinarily slow but he came up with this idea of having a race to see if he could get done before I was done milking. Well, he didn’t win but he did get quite a few done which, for him, was quite an achievement.

I got everything done yesterday that I set out for myself to do. I wrote retaking Quiz 2 for marketing but wasn’t sure I really wanted to. I have until Saturday to do that if I so choose and since I got a 90 on it, I may choose not to. I ended up making more phone calls than I had planned but that all worked out. The boys will all likely return to the Carriage House once soccer is done. Until then, there really is no way that we can get them there because although Cedric and Seth could go, I have to take Joseph to practice and Paul can’t get home in time to take them. There is a Tuesday group that Cedric and Seth could go to but it is at 5:00 so the only way they could go to that is if Paul or someone else took them as I have class that night. Paul would have to leave work at 3:00 to get home, pick them up, and get them there in time and that just won’t work. So, after soccer. That will be fine and, as they only meet every other week, they really won’t be missing many.

Supper was good. We had pork roasts that I’d cut up and marinated broiled and salad with zucchini rum cake for dessert. It was pretty awful. So awful that Paul thinks I should do it all the time. Pretty sad.

Yesterday at work was pretty interesting for Paul and Laura. Steve in the back is still causing problems. Yesterday the FedEx man came and said something about it being calm with no sparks. Steve said, “Yeah, but there will be tomorrow and next week.” Laura happened to be there and she’s pretty good at reporting. Blair is going on vacation, leaving today. Paul really didn’t want to go to work today unless he found someone to go with him as a witness. He has gotten permission to look for someone to talk to Spanish speaking salons so he called Elizabeth yesterday to see if she’d like to go to work with him. She would be able to see what exactly he does and what exactly she would be expected to do. He made it clear that this does not mean that she has the job but it would give her an idea if she’d like it and thought she could do it. She was willing so he’ll be picking her up on his way this morning. Paul said that Steve and Jay go in the back whereas he goes in the front so he’ll be able to take Elizabeth in the front and they won’t know she’s there. Then, he can go to the back and tell them that he’s got an interview coming today. They’ll think that’s odd since Blair isn’t there but the way interviews go, it would be perfectly normal for her to be there for at least half the day and longer isn’t unusual. They leave before Paul so they shouldn’t know that Elizabeth is leaving with him. I think it’s a good plan. Even if Steve and Jay find out that Elizabeth came with Paul, there isn’t much they can do about it other than call Blair and Paul will be able to explain why she’s there and there shouldn’t be an issue.

Yesterday one of the things I did for school work was a case study for marketing. I thought it was very interesting because it reminded me so much of the whole situation (not the tension with the guys in the back) of Paul selling and there being no controls to see how well everything is working. I don’t think they have a marketing plan or mission statement or anything. Blair is not a business man.

Anyway, my list for today is pretty short. I might go pick Jonathan up so he can open a bank account but since Elizabeth will be with Paul, I’m not sure he’ll want to. I need to make a couple of phone calls, retake the marketing quiz for chapter 2 if I feel like it and read another phlebotomy chapter and take notes. Should be a good day for getting something else done as well. I probably should avoid it, but I’ve got a couple of good coupons for Joann’s and I haven’t been there forever. I did tell Jonathan and Elizabeth that I’d like to steal her and take her with me when I went next but she’ll be gone today. It’s a shame, because one of the coupons expires tomorrow and it’s a 20% off the entire order. I’ll have to take a look at the others and see what the dates are.

So, that’s about that from this end.

Have a wonderful day!

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