Friday, September 28, 2012

Wet Rainy Friday

Well, good rainy Friday! It is nice and wet outside. I am nice and wet inside still from milking more than an hour and a half ago. And yes, I do know what to do about that. It isn’t cold and it isn’t terribly uncomfortable so I’m waiting until Paul is out of the shower (and probably until he leaves) before I get in.

Yesterday I got about zero school work done. I wrote one sentence for my case study and I finished reading one article and looked for more for my essay. Guess what I’ll be doing today?

Yesterday I did go to New Hampshire. Ahhhh, what a beautiful day. I wish I’d’ve taken my camera. I met with Anji Church, a midwife, and two of her assistants, Lucinda and Robyn. She has another who does back up and some assisting but she’s also a labor and delivery nurse in Vermont and I got the feeling that she’s a nurse first, a midwife second. I get to meet with just Anji in a couple of weeks. I’d tell you when but I don’t feel like getting my planner out. Anyway, I think they’d all be fine to work with. Hopefully they feel that way about me.

My drive north was fairly uneventful. I looked at the map Google Maps provided and wrote down street names but forgot to write down which direction to turn. I remembered from looking at the map so that was okay. I figured out that I had my new phone as well, which has GPS but when I was trying to figure it out, it wasn’t working. It turns out you have to have the data turned on. Anyway, I drove by one of the streets I needed to turn on so I kept going and turned at the next available street. It turned out to be one way and I was going the wrong way. All I did is turn around really quick, so it wasn’t a big deal, but it was interesting. When I left, there’s a rotary to go ¾ of the way around to get going in the right direction. The rotaries in NH are not like the ones in Gardner. At least, this particular rotary in Keene is not like the ones in Gardner. Gardner is probably about the size of Yreka, more or less. Keene is a bit bigger than Ashland. More traffic. More difficulty getting in the right lane of the rotary to get out where you want to. I’m not very good at it. I ended up going ¼ of the way through and then turned at the next stop light which happens to be where the Volkswagon dealership where Paul has taken the Jetta.

So, that was fun.

This morning Ruth Britt called and asked if I could take the kids to the Troops as she was feeling a bit under the weather. I hate saying no but I did because I’ve been fighting this stupid cough. I think it’s safe to say the cold is gone but I’ve still got the cough and it makes me tired and if I do too  much, I have to use my inhaler which I don’t like doing. As it turned out, I got to sleep for about 40 more minutes and got to take my time waking up and got to have a really strange dream in which we had four horses living in our bedroom and when I told Paul I couldn’t sleep, he asked me to hand him his computer so he could send me some emails. I then noticed that the horses had gotten out and he said we’d go bring them in in the morning. My alarm went off about then. Crazy.

I had to wake Cedric up to get some dishes done. By the time everyone left last night, it was too late for him to do them last night. If I’d have taken Joanna to Gardner this morning, I would have gotten him up when we left but I got him up when I took the dogs out for their morning bathroom duty (I can’t call it a walk because we didn’t even make it to the end of the driveway due to the water falling out of the sky). He got the milk bucket washed and a few other things but he’ll have to finish after soccer practice.

Milking was fun. The milk is slightly watered down by the rain. I got nice and wet and the goats were out of order because Goldilocks came out before Princess. While I was milking Goldilocks, a chipmunk ran out from under the goat shed to the rocks behind and to the side. Darn rodent!

Jonathan and Elizabeth were planning on coming over today but I sent him a message last night to the effect of I have lots to do that I have to get done and could they come next week instead. All I was going to do is be a taxi driver and take them home once they’re done with what they wanted to do but that takes a good hour out of my day that I ought to be doing school work in today. I haven’t heard back yet but my phone is upstairs so there may be a message I have not seen.

Cedric and Seth have soccer practice unless it gets cancelled due to rain. I’m not sure if I hope it does or not. If it does, I’ll stay home and get work done. If it does not, I’ll take my work with me. Either way, makes little difference.

Last night, we ended up having not only the missionaries for supper but Walter Cyr as well. He works with Paul and does massage and his wife just left him. She pulled all sorts of lovely tricks and managed to get not only custody of their daughter, but permission to leave the state and supervised visitation for him. Paul has known him for years and I’ve known him now for a couple. There is absolutely no reason why he should have supervised visitation. Paul thinks that Walter should have the child and the mother should have no visitation because she’s a nut job. Anyway, it was interesting and we made Elder Shem happy with Hoddeok (pronounced really fast and something like hoe dee uk).

So, that’s that. I’m still wet and getting cooler so a shower is going to feel really good. I had a piece of toast for breakfast but really need some tea or milk. I got some milk out but it was sour and I didn’t feel like getting more out of the back. Maybe I’ll make some hot chocolate soon.

Have a wonderful day!

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