Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Short One

Good morning! It is a beautiful day outside; sunny and chilly.

Yesterday morning I almost forgot that I had class to go to so I had to hurry and take a shower and get ready to go. I went and was right on time. On the way, I saw a kid who looked like he might be in my class but I don’t know how cool it is, or isn’t, to stop and ask someone if they want a ride so I didn’t. He was 20 minutes late. Maybe if I see him again, I will stop.

Class was pretty good. We only talked briefly about an article the instructor had posted for us to take a look at which is good because I didn’t want to talk about it because I knew that if we did, a lot of people in class would say things much like the comments at the end. From what little was said, I think I was right. If you’d like to read the article, here is the link: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/20/13989510-empty-chair-lynchings-anti-obama-protests-gone-too-far#.UFvATrhQp59.email I’m not crazy about the whole thing, personally. I think it’s ridiculous that TWO people hanging chairs from trees in their yards mean that ALL Republicans are racist; that ALL leftists are racist; that ALL southerners are racist; that it bodes ill for all those who are not white. Come on, people! It might mean something, it might not. It almost makes me want to hang a chair in my front yard to see if it makes national news.

After class, I came home and did school work and ate lunch and that sort of fun stuff. I stripped the bed and washed sheets and made the bed. I need to do that to Joseph’s bed today. I have a pretty good list of things that need to be done today. Adam is having car issues but usually has Ryan today. I am kind of hoping he does not come over while he’s waiting for Ryan to get out of pre-school because I never seem to get anything done when he’s here. Nothing school work wise, anyway.

Last night I had a wonderful headache from coughing. I had a cup of tea and then I had another cup of tea. I tried ginger and it seems to have helped the cough a bit. I was able to go to sleep which was nice. Sometime shortly after midnight, Joseph came to the bedroom door and I guess was calling for me. I think he must have been afraid to come in because Paul still had his light on. He was having a missing Daniel moment so I got my teddy bear for him and he was able to sleep through the rest of the night.

This morning I did not want to get up to take Joanna to Gardner but I did. I didn’t want to take the girls on our typical route for morning walk either because I didn’t feel like getting soaked feet so we walked down the driveway and that’s it. I didn’t really feel like milking the goats either but I did and now it’s done and doesn’t have to be done again until tomorrow. I am currently thinking that a nap about now would not be out of the question.

I hope you all have a restful day.

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